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Local Elections: How many people do you know would vote BNP?

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People have there views on what i have said - fair enough, but it is not going to change my way of thinking. What have we gained from this labour government - nothing! immigrants entering the country left right and centre taking all the british peoples jobs. Teenagers causing havoc on our streets, killing people all the time, no discipline anywhere - because of do-gooders saying it isnt right!!!!!!! We cannot have our flag flying in case it offends anyone - we cant discipline our kids incase it offends anyone - we cant smoke in public - shall i go on - What can we do?



> immigrants entering the country left right and centre taking all the british peoples jobs


Do you mean all the low paid jobs in agriculture and hotels that "british" people refuse to take?



> Teenagers causing havoc on our streets, killing people all the time, no discipline anywhere -


Errrrrrrr the UK has a low crime rate compared with many other countries. OK, if you want to live in somewhere like Iran, you might find a lower crime rate


> We cannot have our flag flying in case it offends anyone


Errrrrr Exactly who, apart from UKiP and the BNP is saying this?


> we cant smoke in public


Errrrrr Exactly who, apart from UKiP and the BNP is saying this? The law applies to enclosed public space - I support it - as do the majority of the UK public


> we cant discipline our kids incase it offends


Want to beat your kids, right?

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Do you mean all the low paid jobs in agriculture and hotels that "british" people refuse to take?


Because British employers aren't prepared to pay a living wage in some sectors? In the case of agriculture though this is partly because the farmers are being screwed by the likes of Tesco and Sainsburys.

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Because British employers aren't prepared to pay a living wage in some sectors? In the case of agriculture though this is partly because the farmers are being screwed by the likes of Tesco and Sainsburys.



Errrr no, I'm afraid.


All economicaly succesful countries are forced eventually to rely on low wage migrants to fill service jobs. Try visiting a hotel in London, Edinborough etc

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What have we gained from this labour government - nothing!



Yes, nothing apart from the longest period of stable economic growth since WW2, the lowest unemployment, the lowest average interest rates, the minimum wage and average wage growth against inflation.


Nothing I suppose

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yes as part time workers are on the increase...disabled people,caras ,and people on incapasity benifit are not counted......


How unempoyment is reported is actually more narrowly defined than in 1996. The issue that people chose the opportunity to work part time is neither the fault nor a policy aim of the government.


The bottom line is,


1. You can use hearsay and stories you get from people down the pub,


2. You can engage is simplistic nationalistic scapegoatism for your political beliefs (the normal trick of the extreme right nationalist groups)




You can see BNP for what they are - meanspirited and narrow minded. But - we live in an open society, thankfully. I don't want to censor the BNP - but the BNP are just the sort of people who would quickly look to stifle free speech if they ever got in to power.


Just try reading Karl Popper's book "Enemies of an Open Society". Its about the Nazi's, but all the arguements the BNP use, and you repeat, follow the same pattern.



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Go on Mr Goose! I am pleased to have inspired this debate, especially because i have learnt quite a few things, and reading that section of the constitution provides me with concrete evidence for my argument that the BNP are downright racist.


What would the BNP propose to do about people of mixed race that included a white parent? Where would you draw the line? Its the roots of ethnic cleansing and it makes me mad!

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