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RAC declares Manor Estate a "NO GO" area

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The surprising aspect of this story is that whilst the Manor (and it's reputation) hit the headlines, along with a picture of Fairleigh Shops, it's ironic that the area is now a private housing estate and has no links with the "Old Manor". I wonder what this will do to the house prices in that area now.


:confused: Yes i noticed in the DAILY MIRROR the picture of the boarded up shops was actually of Hastilar road south shops on the Woodthorpe. This was obviously done to paint the Manor in an even worse light, perhaps a picture of Baghdad would have done the job even better.

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I'm in the RAC and expect to be rescued if my car is in trouble. It isn't beyond the wit of any company to accept that some places carry more risk than others - they could send a patrol of 2 or 3 men to the location - assuming we're all willing to pay an extra 23p per year.... It isn't sensible for our society to accept the existence of no-go areas for good people - if we do, we're isolating the good people who are stranded there....not just in cars!

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I'm in the RAC and expect to be rescued if my car is in trouble.
You would be, but according to that report you would be rescued by a third party company, not the RAC. As pointed out earlier in the thread, this is normal in many situations, such as if all RAC patrols are busy, no RAC in the area etc. so you won't really notice any difference to these situations. I know that I've had third party people out before and I use the AA.
It isn't beyond the wit of any company to accept that some places carry more risk than others - they could send a patrol of 2 or 3 men to the location - assuming we're all willing to pay an extra 23p per year....
If you put 2 or 3 people to one call then you're reducing the number avaiable for other calls. This means that other people have to wait longer. I'm not sure how much RAC people get paid a year, but I suspect if they had to hire extra staff to cover areas like the Manor that it would be expensive and probably not cost effective when you have third party companies willing to go there.
It isn't sensible for our society to accept the existence of no-go areas for good people - if we do, we're isolating the good people who are stranded there....not just in cars!
I don't think the area being a 'no go area' has been accepted, there are people wanting to improve it, but it will take time. If everyone works together, community, police, MPs etc. then it will take less time but unfortunately that's not often the case. How many times do people refuse to talk to the police for an example? There are some that do, but if everyone did then it wouldn't be long before the touble causers, that are to blame for problems like this, wouldn't be at it for long.


This story's from a while back now, does anyone know if the RAC have reviewed their policy about that area yet?

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Fair enough, the RAC have to protect their staff. However you do have to wonder what the spin on the story would have been had the woman in the car been raped or the man murdered due to being abandoned at the roadside in the 'hood?


I don't know, I used to work for BT and once we had a list of 2 man areas where it was considered unsafe to go on your own we had to go in pairs. I think over recent years the 2 man area thing tended to get neglected as the drive for cheaper jobs and bigger profits seems to override the safety of staff. So the solution was staff were not told which the areas were.

Also used to be a first aider and the prime thing had to be our safety first if it wasn’t safe you don’t go. No use in worsening the problem by getting ourselves injured.

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Thinking of 'no go' areas, I remember about 12 years ago I was working for Dominos Pizza delivering pizzas part time while at college. We used to get sent in pairs to certain areas if they were considered risky. This included Washington Road flats and parts of Broomhall. So for those areas you'd either get 2 in a car or 2 mopeds buzzing along :D


Not sure if they still do this or not though? This was years back, when there was just one Dominos in Sheffield that seemed to cover a hell of a lot more places than they do now.


Having areas considered dodgy is nothing new and it's not just the RAC that have this concern, it's just that they were unlucky enough to have someone kick up a fuss about it when it reality they'll still got the service they paid for and the service seemed acceptable and within the agreement.

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Here we go again, another let's jump on the bandwagon and slag the Manor off thread.

My bet is the majority of idiots who post on this topic will have never been on the estate or associated with people who have.

,i work for a large breakdown company,and the manor is the worst place anybody can breakdown,our policy is not to attend breakdowns there,,after dark,,,for our own safety,,,,,,it is bad enough in the daytime

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I think you've got hold of the wrong end of the stick. I know plenty of people from the Manor and no I don't consider the scum bag minority to represent the majority of ordinary, decent people who live there.
same here, i lve on the manor too, and just as deacent as any one else who lives there, and whats a graffiti mc lmao
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