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Property shop (priority housing) - How long have you waited?


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I found the propertyshop info quite confusing and wonderd if they actually know their way around in the maze of the new system/rules? I had the idea that the info isn,t always accurate and any way they can,t give you a property even if you do go in there.

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The one specific thing that confuses me is that when I have placed a bid on a property and I dont hear anything I just presume that I lost out to someone else, but within a few weeks I see that very same property advertised again.


I thought that the property would be passed down to the next person if it was turned down by the original person who was sucessful in their bid for it, and I thought they would continue to pass it down to the bidders until someone finally accepts it.


This bidding system is crazy.

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I thought the same as you from what they told me at the propertyshop and from reading the letting system rules on the proertyshop/council rules? It seems that other things happen in reality as some properties I,ve bid for havn,t been noted as the properties where then withdrawn so I,m told and some are not advertised as let that were registerd? Thats why I thought I was confused but if more people are noticing this kind of thing it appears the rules are there just for appearances and there is another set of rules when its convenient?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too have priority, there's 6 of us in a two bedroomed house

and a very small one at that. This bidding system is a farce it's made things worse. I nearly got to the top of the list for the area I want then they stopped it now I've got no chance because the houses that come up are for 15 years waiting time or priority, I was 49th on list of priority! before they scrapped waiting list housing office actually had cheek to tell me that I was'nt overcrowded! and with 4 kids I think thats discusting. They told me too have another baby, boy did I get him the sack

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This property shop idea is just another propoganda stunt by this council to make waiting lists look low. The previous system of re-housing that was done by area offices was the best way. But, Alas the lunatics have taken over the asylum. The only way things are going to change is when we get rid of the old school boy network of councillors. There is a lot wrong with the system of housing in Sheffield and Millions are being wasted. Houses are being privatized via the back door with no-one noticing. Then the rents go up. We all suffer as a result. We are conned when the council encourage us to form our own area committee's. This is just another way that the council can ignore our wishes, Then at the end of the day say that our committee's are responsible. We find this now in the systems of management that they are trying to get us to vote for. All we get at the end of the day is " Hobsons Choice ". I never thought that I would see Sheffield in such a mess, With so many liesbeing told to us. The sorriest thing is, We are standing for it.

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I,ve noticed that 3 of the flats a friend has applied for arn,t even on the propertyshop list of previous bids or on the list of properties which have been let. Its as if they were never advertised.


I know some one who,s had priority since autumn of 2003 but due to a change in letting criteria he no longer for qualify,s for the area of his choise which was filled in on his housing registration form by the housing officer who asked him where he wanted to move to when allocating him with priority.


Obviously he,s still bidding for properties in the area of his choise in the event that there are no other suitable applicants. Under the previous sytem he would have been helped in getting a property by the housing officer who gave him priorty.


As it now stands nothing seems to be happening and I don,t seem to read any good news reguarding housing but some one must be getting rehoused through the back door or all property,s which have been advertised would be accounted for on the propertyshop site and they aren,t.

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  • 5 months later...

Isn't it all this 'arms-length' management trend that is being rapidly taken up by all businesses/authorities now? The property shop idea keeps people at a distance as does the recent trend in paying bills etc which isn't good for everyone.


Don't forget also that with the housing coming down on Parson Cross and wherever else it's happening - those tenants get priority so that the land can be quickly sold off to developers.


The rest of us can whistle.

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Originally posted by jan2002

Hi Ange


Have you made a bid on any properties yet ?

If you have'nt you won't be offered as you have to bid.

there is no waiting lists now.


I have someone here who works for the council

She says that when you make a bid if you are the first bidder you will be offered that property, and if you have priority over the other bidders then you will be offered the property first any way.


The more properties you bid on the more chance you have of being housed. Good Luck and I hope you won't be waiting long:thumbsup:



whats this bid thing, are you talking about housing commision rental houses & you have to bid what to get one?

I really don't understand.

( I used to live in sheffield when i was a kid/teen & nothing like bidding then :)

cheers shawn in west oz.

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