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An internet radio station for Sheffield!

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Sheffield Live! has a "Sustain" (When we don't broadcast live) system called Myriad, it was developed for a local radio station in america, but the developers put it out for open source - it's free basically.

With it you can queue up prerecorded music and dialogue, so you can contruct a whole weeks worth of programming and all you need is the ability to record audio into a computer and then either save it in MP3 or Wav. format.

Obviously it doesn't have the instant feel of live radio, it does however make for easy and slick programming.

I know you've already done your research but please remember your PRS - you can get your gear confiscated if they catch you without - the old draconian pirate radio laws still exist.

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Indeed, we so far have a copy of SAM from spacialaudio. It has a sophisticated playlist automation language, and works well with live speech. It also features an internal php interface and customisable HTML output for mirroring to the website.


It also features full and detailed reporting of listeners and tracks so working out stats for the PRS should be relatively straightforward. For the experimental stage we won't be netcasting any published material, and we're drafting release forms so we can play 'unsigned' content.


It's also got some nice audio tools for compression, automatic gain control etc.


Click the link in my sig to have a listen to SAM3 in action


If you want to get onboard and shape the project from the outset, pop an email to sheffieldradio@googlemail.com and join the party.

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Were would you broadcast from, i'd love to have ago on a radio station, count me in. :thumbsup:


If it is internet radio, you download your own Radio transmitter from HERE or from HERE You need the Latest winamp player for the first link and you would need to download SAMv3 for the second link. With SAMv3 you need to purchase keys (Licences) for each dj that uses your radio station. Dj's broadcast from their own homes, therefore they need a high spec computer. You would need a good web host to host your server SAMv3 and supporting web pages on.

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Well, with some backing from the people that brought you the forum, we want to bring you sheffield internet radio - a showcase for a city oozing with talent. An internet radio station firmly rooted in Sheffield, but with a global audience!


Stage one is to bring all the ideas together and produce an experimental station, with a view to taking it live soon afterwards, with a complimentary web site and all that jazz.


The project needs plenty of volunteers - if you:

-are in a band

-are a DJ

-know about sound engineering

-know about radio production

-can build kick-ass websites

-want to broadcast on the internet

-have some genius ideas

-know about the legal aspects of radio, performers rights etc.

-have lots of handy audio kit hanging around


then Sheffield Internet Radio needs you! Get in touch with sheffieldradio@googlemail.com for more information about how to participate - it's starting now so get in touch!


Excellent idea, this could be a show case for all types of music from Sheffield bands/DJs.

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Who are you? :huh::suspect:


I'm Brett, the manager of Chrystal Radio @ the children's hospital. I did Forge FM in 1996 for my work experience, ended up having 2 and a half hours on air with 2 guys who didn't get along, and then a half hour show of my own at night too. It was exhausting fun!


I know a few people at Sheffield Live, and have 2 of the people who did Forge with me actually working for me now!

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If it is internet radio, you download your own Radio transmitter from HERE or from HERE You need the Latest winamp player for the first link and you would need to download SAMv3 for the second link. With SAMv3 you need to purchase keys (Licences) for each dj that uses your radio station. Dj's broadcast from their own homes, therefore they need a high spec computer. You would need a good web host to host your server SAMv3 and supporting web pages on.


I'm not sure that SAM3 is still available....and I'm not sure you can do a live broadcast with winamp, but I'm happy to stand corrected.

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I'm not sure that SAM3 is still available....and I'm not sure you can do a live broadcast with winamp, but I'm happy to stand corrected.


You can, but it's better to have an external program designed for that kind of thing to do the actual DJing from rather than using winamp itself. Using Winamp's shoutcast server with a no-ip redirector works fine in most cases though.

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