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Separation anxiety in Dogs


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It's very difficult to treat unfortunately :( And there's not really all that much that causes it, it's just different dogs' attitudes.


I always worked very hard to make sure Takara didn't worry when I was out - by leaving her regularly for short intervals building up when she was younger but she still gets very stressed when I leave her (if we're somewhere strange) or if she's shut in one room and I'm in another :(


I don't think I can really phrase any advice properly so I'll try and copy some info for you :)

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I've found this which provides some excellent advice. I could've probably told you some things but I'm so tired I'll probably leave vital bits out :rolleyes:


Hope this helps, sorry if you've already seen it!




My main piece of advice is DO NOT go to a dog that is barking/howling/whining/banging. If you have to go into the room to stop the dog from doing damage, make out like you've gone in for a different reason, completely ignore the dog and when he's quiet give him a fuss, or, alternatively go in, pretend to make a drink or something and leave without saying anything.


Reward the dog for short periods of him being quiet, and don't make your absence too long too soon.


Hope that helps a bit :)

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Just to add to what I've said (and for jediwarrior in particular)

You might want to try looking for TTouch practitioner in the area (google it) TTouch can help with many behavioural as well as physical problems and although I'm not sure if it could help you, I'm sure a practitioner could tell you.


It's a very gentle massage technique that works to awaken cells in the body or something... I was looking at training to be a practitioner but can't afford it right now.

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D.A.P its a type of plug in device that emits a new mummy doggy pheromones and your dog will think its with mum. it works cos ive used one for my dog who had really bad seperation anxiety . he used to get into such a state to a point of causing himself to fit . plus it made him mess in the home all that never happens now...so i know D.A.P work.


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Cheers for that pet walkiz, didn't know how good DAPs work but I might get some now!


You can get sachets to put on bedding in the car, or diffusers as pet walkiz says that release the pheromone a bit like an airwick plug in, I believe.

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oh of course! didn't think about you knowing about that through bunnies! I was thinking of looking for a practitioner for Takara... I'd love to do it myself but just can't afford it.


Anna - thanks for adding that, I've been on a book buying spree lately and didn't know whether to get that one or not, might have a look now it's been recommended! (When I've saved some more money up!)

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