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Kasabian... 7/3/07

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I'll be there... up in the gods :-(


Ah well.. at least we won't get covered in Beer... and other warm bodily liquids! Yuck!!



Ah yes. Perhaps the most liquid I've ever seen thrown at the arena! I went home covered. :gag:


Top gig - note to self - must grow another foot if i want to see more than a passing glimpse but had a good dance and enjoyed the lights:thumbsup:


HOWEVER Had absolute pain in the butt group next to us who insisted on dancing with cigarettes like they were glow sticks and burning everyone around them. I'd particularly like to note the fat Nicole Richie woman in the green dress who insisted on either leaning on PC or followed me across six people to dance at the side of me when I'd moved to get away from her! Likewise her boyfriend who also insisted on following you despite moving from them. I hope the rib bruises love that I managed to jab you with a couple of times, look nice, black and pretty today! :thumbsup:


P.S. I still think the lyrics to 'Cutt off' are 'Chew the backbone, a solar system INSPIRAL CARPETS' :D

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Top gig - note to self - must grow another foot if i want to see more than a passing glimpse but had a good dance and enjoyed the lights:thumbsup:

You must be taller than me then... I need to grow at least 2 ft to be able to see over the lanky gets who always stand in front of me, wherever I am. :(


It was indeed a top gig though (for the Arena ;) The lights were fab, and the sound quality was really good too!).

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Top band. Quality Gig. I can't believe they never mentioned at any point they had missed 2 previous dates in sheff.


We will let them off, no one out there on their level right now these days, all poor jump on the band wagon bands.


amusing as only 2 and half years ago i saw them at leadmill. Talented bunch of lads.


Rock and Roll.

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It was indeed a top gig though (for the Arena ;) The lights were fab, and the sound quality was really good too!).


I'm still buzzing from it despite having gone straight to work afterwards, endured the night shift from hell, and only just got home.

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I'll be there... up in the gods :-(


Ah well.. at least we won't get covered in Beer... and other warm bodily liquids! Yuck!!


Fabtastic gig!!! :clap:


Just a shame about the ********s insisting on throwing **** backwards :rant: :rant: :rant:


Whilst getting covered in urine is never a pleasant experience (for me, at least :gag: ), I accept that at certain types of gig it is part and parcel of being near the front in the standing area. But chucking it BACKWARDS from the stage so it goes in peoples eyes and mouths really isn't on and I can't understand why people do it. Can anyone explain?


And don't get me started on glow stick/fag girl :rolleyes: ... Good rib diggin though Edna :thumbsup:


P.S. I still think the lyrics to 'Cutt off' are 'Chew the backbone, a solar system INSPIRAL CARPETS'


Don't forget "I'm on it, Get on it, The CHIPS ARE ON FIRE!" :D

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What a gig!


Could see the numerous projectile liquids from our seats... which were in a fab position. One row up from the floor...


No hassle, no cigs burns, no urine.


Quite glad we didn't swap for standing tickets nto be honest

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i saw them in amsterdam on 26 feb, and it was much more chilled there! there was some beer thrown about - but only 2 pints or so!


guess that was because much smaller venue!


id love to see them again, they are a great live act!

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Was he on coke though? He was very, erm, excitable. :)

Think you might be right. He couldn't have mentioned the word Sheffield any more if he'd tried. I did like how he doffed his imaginary hat to Sheffield a couple of times "Leicester loves ya!" :hihi:


Actually thinking about it, I read somewhere that he's got ADHD, so maybe that was it. Yeah, right.

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