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The New Sheffield Graffiti Thread


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Why ? If they both crimes seem very similar to you?


sar·casm /ˈsɑrkæzəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sahr-kaz-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation


1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.

2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.

[Origin: 1570–80; < LL sarcasmus < Gk sarkasmós, deriv. of sarkázein to rend (flesh), sneer; see sarco-]


—Synonyms 1. sardonicism, bitterness, ridicule. See irony1. 2. jeer.

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But, I do agree that some graffiti is ok in the right areas, and you can get away with it when it’s only kept to certain areas. Skate parks things like that, but city high streets or spraying a huge penis on a phone box is where the problem lies. As long as you defend illegal graffiti you will be tarred with the same bush as those who just go out to vandalise. In my mind I would put you in the same category as those who smash bus shelters for a laugh.



im glad your making the distinction between the two... spraying a giant bell on a phone box isn't really the same as perfecting a piece for hours and hours on paper and then going out and spending your own cash on paints to put it up on a wall.


graffiti is street art though, so it wont ever stop on the streets. when it does it will cease to be graffiti in the true sence, it'l be "graffiti style art" conveyed through the medium of spraycans and wall.



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It’s everything to do with right and wrong and the laws of the United Kingdom are based on Christian values predating our own rule of law. They are not built on greed and selfishness but are grounded on one simple fact, protect the innocent. LOLWith this in mind and obviously by your disregard for which law you wish to adhere to, you are not innocent and that’s probably why you act the way you do.If you want to live in a civilised nation you cannot pick and choose which laws you will respect, its all or nothing. You claim it’s the councils fault, but the council is a democratically elected group of people representing the views and values of the electorate.When graffiti painting is done without the property owner's consent, it can be considered vandalism simple, which is punishable by the law. If the law was ever changed to make graffiti legal, then I for one would respect that as it would be law.You see that’s the difference between someone like you and me, I respect the laws of this county you do not!


so come on then what do you suggest,

I want to paint , so then; the peak district, brimham rocks, maybe i should paint the hill on meersbrook park? or a big concrete bridge support, or a persons front room window,or a road, or the trees in the cemetery. or trackside

you see there is NOWHERE that I can paint that isn't considered illegal.


I was born and EVERYTHING has been sold or claimed and people claim that its theirs by right and they shouldn't have to put up with what I want to do. (maybe so)

well I claim the right to disagree and act upon it if I want to.

what makes you think that people should conform?


why should I accept that if someone puts, lets say, a massive concrete structure up in the world and I don't appreciate it -or even if I do- that I should just leave it there and not paint on it? should I want to, that is.

Was I asked if it was okay by me?

should I be asked?

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so come on then what do you suggest,

I want to paint , so then; the peak district, brimham rocks, maybe i should paint the hill on meersbrook park? or a big concrete bridge support, or a persons front room window,or a road, or the trees in the cemetery. or trackside

you see there is NOWHERE that I can paint that isn't considered illegal.


I was born and EVERYTHING has been sold or claimed and people claim that its theirs by right and they shouldn't have to put up with what I want to do. (maybe so)

well I claim the right to disagree and act upon it if I want to.

what makes you think that people should conform?


why should I accept that if someone puts, lets say, a massive concrete structure up in the world and I don't appreciate it -or even if I do- that I should just leave it there and not paint on it? should I want to, that is.

Was I asked if it was okay by me?

should I be asked?



ok,you want to paint, where, when, and upon what you want.


well, I want shedloads of money, so I can have baths of asses milk, and be so rich I ca pay someone to break wind for me...

but guess what,


It aint gonna happen, until I rob a bank.


I have moral standards, and know it's illegal so I won't rob a bank, because I have respect for the law, and for other people's property.


If it's illegal, it's illegal.


If folk are so deperate to scribble their name on a wall, What I suggest is, sod the hell off and scribble on a wall where you have PERMISSION to do it. not on folks' property or equipment.

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