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Meeting new people in Sheffield???


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I will be there, maybe more like 7.30pm (will text you Anne if you have gone in) I will be leaving early though so making my excuses now, got a 5am start Wed to Harrogate and Thursday have to leave at 6am to get to Leics. I really want to come for a few hours though and know someone else in Sheffield other than my partner and boys!!!;):D C u there.x

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Dear all


This is my final update before Wednesday.


So far we have the following girlies coming along:










Linda M



Should be a good turnout!!


I think most of you have my number but if you need it to get in touch on the night just PM me and I will send you contact details.


I suggest we meet at the bar Meadowhall around 7.30 if this suits everyone. For those of you dont know it (and I dont know the name so that does not help) there is a bar by the car park doors. If we were heading into the Food court on the lower level from the shopping are, you will have the esacalators to the cinema on the right hand side and from memory, I think it is just behind those stairs. We could meet outside around 730 or just text when you are there and we will somehow find one another.


I'll probably be there a couple of hours (But certainly not a big night as I am guessing we all have to work the following day and I will be driving so limited alcohol consumption!). Will just be good to meet some other people.


Anyone else wants to come along - feel free!!


Take care and hope to see you all soon

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Hi all, I moved here from Liverpool in 2002, again to be with my boyfirend and have found it impossible, since then, to find any friends, of my own and of my own age group (late 20's-early 30's). All work colleagues are late 30's+ with family and not nterested in socialising. The few friends I do have are friends of my boyfriend (all male, all mid 30's+). I enjoy eating out, moderate drinks (occasional big night out), shopping, walking (especially with my little dog) and going to concerts. I am interested in joining a dance class for fun and of course exercise! Does anyone out there have similair if not the same hobbies and fancy meeting?


Hi Louise,

I too have moved to sheff with my man, I am also in my late 20's and have been here for over a year..my work colleagues well the same situation too ! I have thought about a dance class-kick boxing also but now I am not as brave as I was when I was younger, to go alone..how mad is that !!


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Hi Louise,

I too have moved to sheff with my man, I am also in my late 20's and have been here for over a year..my work colleagues well the same situation too ! I have thought about a dance class-kick boxing also but now I am not as brave as I was when I was younger, to go alone..how mad is that !!



I know I have mentioned this previously and also in other threads but if you want to take up dancing then you won't go far wrong by going to Crookes Working Mens Club on either a Wednesday or Thursday to the Modern Jive classes. You don't need a partner and it is a good night out and a good way to make and meet friends. And no I'm not on a commission!! :hihi: but when I lived in Sheffield I used to go every week (both nights) and also travelled to Leeds every Monday. I made loads of friends and am still in touch with many of them even though I have moved away from Sheffield.

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Am looking to move to sheffield as have split up with my husband, currently live in Doncaster but love visiting sheffield and was born there too. Just wondering where to look for property and where to look for new friends

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Hi everyone - i'm so impressed at the responses to this thread!!! Had no idea it would spark a meet up so thanks Anne for sorting that and all your hard work! - sounds like it will be a good night, and i'm just looking forward to getting out of the house and meeting everyone! :-)


How ironic is this - I headed out into Sheffield on Saturday night for the first time properly with some new people i've met (woo-hoo! I was actually socialising - shocking...) and my boyfriend drove us into town to meet his friends and drop me off, and while we out, our car got broken into! Usually I would just drop him off and drive home rather than park up, so it's become a bit of a joke that i'm not destined for a social life........... ;-)


Look forward to meeting you all on Weds


Sarah x

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