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Hillsborough Hotel - bargainous meals in January - now extended!


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Just to clarify its two meals for £6, not two courses. There was a choice of about 8 meals (approx), a couple of which were veggie. From memory they had stuff such as vegetable Chilli, sausage and mash (which was excellent), chicken in bacon with brie, some sort of pasta dish... That was last week though - I'm going tonight so will update on the menu later but its basically good quality, fresh pub food (apparently all the meat comes from Crawshaws).


And no, you don't have to book - just call in and order at the bar. :)

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Went again tonight, there was six of us. We all enjoyed it - the food didn't all come together (seemed to arrive in twos) but we weren't particularly bothered as we didn't have to wait too long and was just a casual tea. Very enjoyable.


Menu (all meals home made):


Veggie chilli and rice with garlic bread

Macaroni cheese, chips and salad

Gammon, egg, chips and peas

Meat and potato pie and chips with mushy peas

Sausage and mash with vegetables

Lasagne, salad & garlic bread

Tuna Niscoise salad

Fish chips & mushy peas

Burgers, chips and salad

Homemade beef stew in a Yorkshire pudding


They had a very agreeable 7.5% ale to wash it down with. :help:

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  • 1 month later...
Had my tea in the Hillsborough Hotel tonight - two meals for six quid all month. They told me the menu will be changed weekly. Nice fresh food served 'til 7:30.


Bargain! :)


(not to mention the ale... :love: )


Hi quick note to say that the 2 meals for £6 is staying on for the next couple of months and as before it changes weekly on a Tuesday :thumbsup:

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