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Sheffield Stray Dogs - Nowhere to go - does anybody care?


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Yes but any 'person' on the streets has the chance to do something about it, there is a way out for them no matter what the circumstance if they try!!They wont be locked in a cold cage freezing, shaking and too scared to eat the muck that the council feed them, some of the dogs the council take probably need veterinary treatment, do the council provide this or leave them to suffer in silence before subjecting them to the lethal injection.

Im sure the problem is much worse than anyone realises and like people have said I doubt many in Sheffield realise this, we pay enough taxes so lets do something about it.........

Any suggestions??

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good reply

but this thread isn't trying to say - don't help the homeless.


I feel for anyone or anything thats neglected, abused or lonely. Its just this thread is trying to do something about the dogs of the city. By all means - start a thread about homeless or children - and i a sure you will get support to help you help them. Funders will often fund vulnerable people and children - very few funders will fund animal rescue groups like ours.


So this thread is like the previous thread asked the question - what can we do about helping the dogs of the city of sheffield. Personally i think if anyone can abuse or neglect an innocent animal - they are only steps away from abusing a human as well. Loads of research shows that.


So, lets show that its not acceptable to neglect anything thats living in this day and age and in our up and coming city.


I am sure if we could raise the profile to new investors the council might take heed.

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we used to have a Canine Defence League (dogs trust) kennels out at totley, near the army's firing range, right out in the country, on a farm, but it had to close 20 yrs ago.


why? because the local residents claimed that the dogs' barking was a nusaince.


how pathetic can folks be? This was a rescue and rehoming kennels, at monny brook farm, and it was in the middle of nowhere. surely the neighbours (such as there were, out off the firing range of Baslow Road, some way past the pub at the terminus, and down a little lane) could have been understanding? It wasn't like it was in a residential area, it was on farmland in the middle of nowhere. I'm sure the racket from tanks and guns on the firing range didn't raise this much Flak.

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the rescue facilities in sheffield are sadly lacking. granted, We do breed (occasionally, a litter ever two years or so) but all our pups are spoken for before we breed and we look out for their welfare lifelong. It pointless saying these people should take in a stay, they want a siberian Husky and no other breed will do the same job. the husky only has one breed welfare organisation in the UK, the SHCGB. But sadly, they have recently changed their rules and will now only rehome dogs with KC papers. their reasons for this are the Huge problems occuring when the Husky is crossed with any other breed and the way they see it, the only Purebred Husky is a KC registered one, its the best way they have of assuring it is Purebred. this change actually renders the whole SHCGB welfare system pretty pointless, as most (not all) KC reg dogs will be taken back and rehomed by their breeder (as we do). So the SHCGB need only make one call and the problem is off their hands. the remaining few KC reg Huskies and all unregistered Huskies now have no safety net whatsoever. We and several more breed lovers dotted around the UK recently set up our own rehome sceme to help these unfortunates, Our only criteria being that the dog must be a Husky, and not crossed with any other breed due to the inherrant problems of crossing what is effectivly very little removed from its wolf/dingo ancestry with more domesticated breeds. We have secured one or two emergency kennels at rescue facilities around the UK, but dogs are mostly fostered in our own homes. We give veterinary care required and a dog is only destroyed if he has huge health or temperament problems (just one has fallen into this catagory so far). Our sceme is still in its infancy, we dont yet have an official title and do not have charitable status. We rely on the fundraising of our members and donations of equipment from the public. Many of the dogs rehomed so far came to us without even the basics of vaccinations, microchip, coller and lead or even a food bowl. spread the word around the rescue centres and anyone who needs to rehome a husky and we will do our best to help, be that fostering the dog out of kennels or advising and homechecking for a new home. what I must make clear is that we do NOT give the original owner a payment for the dog, nor do we charge the new owner. Vetting is rigerous and a rehome contract has to be signed by both first and new owner. sure we are only helping one breed, but in our opinion, a breed that needs the help of the experienced.

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Your comment: "all outs pups are spoken for"


How do you know how many puppies are going to be born before hand?


Either someone going to be disappointed of not getting one or you could end up with twice as many litter you bargined for.


Your comment: No other breed will do the same job.


Can you elaborate on this?

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Yes I remember that at Totley - i know i am too young - but sadly not.


So - why couldn't it be moved somewhere else then? Rebuilt with kennels where the dogs dont bark. Dogs only go mad in kennels barking if the kennels are built so that they can all see each other, and kick off when 1 kicks off.


The blue Cross have some lovely centres now - the one at Bromsgrove is fantastic - and you never hear barking like you do in stressed kennels. So, why can't there be another centre. I know the DT have just built one in Leeds - but the LEEDS RSPCA are sat on MILLIONS awaiting finding the 'perfect' place to rebuild. They have been sat on these millions for 3 yrs to my knowledge - and no build in site. Thats one of the reasons West Yorkshire is as bad as south yorkshire. Its time they faced reality and spent the money on what it was donated for - a rescue centre for pets - not to be buying shops and paying shop staff - to make more money.


Thank god sheffield plans are on the way for rebuilding soon which will greatly ease the problem here.


Well done Bluesandtwos - and i totally understand what you are saying re small breeding plans - and support to the breed. As long as everyone does something instead of ignoring the problem - we get a bit further forward don't we.

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Your comment: "all outs pups are spoken for"


How do you know how many puppies are going to be born before hand?


Either someone going to be disappointed of not getting one or you could end up with twice as many litter you bargined for.


Your comment: No other breed will do the same job.


Can you elaborate on this?


the litter size of our breed is fairly predicatable, and yes!, we did have dissapointed people, but thats the way it goes.


the 'job' in question is the one the breed evolved to do: Pull!. Only a sled-dog can excel at being a sled-dog

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this time of year is awful - saw it on the news yesterday all the puppies that have been abandoned and the old family pets that have been ousted to make way for new models. there are also bunnies and other small animals that also get booted out. its so cruel! but i do think that dog walkers is a great idea as are behaviorists =this way dogs with problems can be rehomed - better than having to be put down.

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Dogs picked up by the local dog wardens get taken to the council stray kennels where the council pays a couple of quid a day (work that type of care out for yourself), for the dogs to be held for 7 days. At the end of those 7 days, the dogs can be rehomed to the public, passed onto a rescue centre or destroyed if none of the others are available - or they can't be arsed to try.


Dogs picked up by the Police - again are taken to STRAY KENNELS - (sy POLICE TAKE TO CLIFF KENNELS AT PENISTONE). THIS IS NOT A RESCUE CENTRE, THE DOGS ARE BOARDED THERE - PENDING REHOMING. At the end of 7 days - again, they are put up for rehoming, let go to a rescue centre or destroyed.


Where are the Sheffield council kennels?? Can you adopt from there?

I have been wanting/looking for a dog for a while but have yet to find the 'one'

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At the moment the council dog wardens are using the old RSPCA shelter on Spring Street, but that will be changing shortly since the building is due for demolition (I think).


I'm sorry that I can't help you with adoption times- I'm sure there are other forummers who can help you with that though.

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