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Can you put a Price on the value of a Life?


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They do rip people off proposterously! We were charged £130 for an antihistamine injection out of hours for Takara.


I think that most vets offer an account don't they? I think anyone who can't afford to foot the bill should be allowed to pay regular installments on an account at the vets.

I haven't yet been to a vets that doesn't say 'Credit not available, all ills must be settled in full at the time of the appointment'.


As I've moaned about on a few threads, I was charged the grand sum of £50 for one appointment to inject my two guinea pigs with Ivomec, during normal surgery hours. As I said, I wouldn't ever put a price on their lives but I wholeheartedly object to vets taking advantage of that.

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How does your document work Lottie? Is it held by your vets who can trace it to Takara through her microchip?


She has a tag on her collar that says 'petback medalert'


I paid (am paying in installments) £150 (I think) for lifetime membership. Basically, The Missing Pets Bureau (MPB) hold all her info on that tag, there is a number to call on the tag, as well as her ID number. If anyone finds her, they can call the number and use the ID number to track me.


They can take her to any vet (I think) who can phone petback and ask how much money can be spent to fix her who will tell her this is no limit and they can then go ahead without risk of being sued.


It also means that people can't steal her and contact me for ransom because my name, address or tel. no isn't on the tag.


MPB also have her DNA on file so that I can prove that she's my dog if it comes to it.


Thing is, the company has no government funding, so could go bust before the end of her life, but it's a risk worth taking as far as I'm concerned!


The website for more info is here

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When I was a kid my hamster got a bad leg, the vet said it would need to be put to sleep costing about £10, I was rather emotional and asked if there was any choice he said well we could operate but obviously it would cost around £100, needless to say mum had to choice but to agree to it - that sure was one expensive hamster!

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You cant but a price on your pet’s life but like somebody has said there ARE vet bills you cant prepare for. Everybody has got a financial limit they can go to without causing themselves serious debt.


Recently had a rabbit in for neutering. Had complications when the anaesthetic was administered and he had to be brought round quickly without performing the neuter. Indicates some form of heart disease. Rabbit is fine in every respect when not under sedation. We could have him referred to a specialist but at a cost of possibly over a £1,000 for the referral and all the tests needed we could not justify that amount at the moment, as the rabbit is showing no other signs of illness. If he does show further symptoms of heart disease he WILL be referred.


I have 25 rescue animals. 21 rabbits, 3 cats and a dog. Rarely a month goes by when we are not at the vets several times as many of my rabbits have ongoing medical problems hence the reason for them ending up in rescue in the first place.


We do have savings for vet bills and a credit card for emergency’s when our savings are not enough. We would have to seriously think about the animal’s quality of life if vet bills were going to cost more then we could afford using the credit card.


Vets ARE VERY expensive. It’s a fact and something every pet owner has to accept when taking on an animal.



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