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US family moving to Sheffield area


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Er don't move here it's TERRIBLE,i mean bus travel fares arn't fair,they cost way to much,there cheaper in leeds.I walk most of the time,or use tram but have to walk to Hillsborough park to catch it,which is a 15 min walk for me,tram is cheaper than first mainline,mainline charge £15 for a weekly saver,tram charge £9.50 for one.If i could move from Sheffield i would, i hate it,it's not got very good night life either!


What an unhelpful moan! The husband is going to work near the airport - where the tram doesn't run. And with two children, our American visitors may not have much time for Sheffield's allegedly non-existent night life (e.g., two theatres, umpteen pubs, countless restaurants, etc. ).


Do you want to rent a house in the USA for a couple of years whilst the family are in Sheffield?

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We may try to rent our house, but I have mixed feelings on it. I'd rather not have to pay for storage and we probably won't move our furniture.


You are right about not really being about the night life. Our kids usually go to bed about 8:30 pm. We definitely need broadband. I don't think I can go back to dial-up. :gag:


Cats are completely indoor cats. They're too old to change now.


From what I've read on the internet Sheffield sounds like a great place. And just like you wouldn't want to live in north city in St. Louis and if you have a chance to live in either Pattonville or Parkway school districts you should grab it, Sheffield has areas that are good and bad. It's hard to make friends here too. We have friends from college but most people were born and raised here.

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Sheffield isn't too bad. I'm from a town of 50,000ish in Wyoming....Sheffield is a LOT different. I am finally learning to drive over here (after 5 years of driving in the states), and that is going to make a REAL difference. I hate buses and still haven't gotten used to them since moving here. The schools here are rather horrible with teaching, so I am home schooling my three ... Might be worth doing the same... The weather isn't very nice (although knock on wood we've had 3 days with no rain), the TV is rubbish, and the food is worse lol. EVERYTHING foodwise is different, although my mom loves toad in the hole:) Good luck!!

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High or Low Bradfield are superb places to live. Being from the U.S I would presume that you are used to driving most places which is the only downside to what is one of the best placed out-lying villages in the area. You are only 5 minutes drive from the tram terminus at Malin Bridge and Hillsborough shopping area is a further 2 minutes walk. As a park and ride facility is just being bulit at Malin Bridge, parking will be very easy. I don't think schooling can be described as horrible, I have 4 kids in school ranging from 6 to 14 years and all are happy with their situation and I am happy with their progress.Also, Bradfield has a very good local school with a good reputation. In the area are numerous traditional pubs, lots of walking round the countryside and a couple of reservoirs with sailing I believe. Sheffield has two main theatres but many smaller ones producing high quality shows and this summer the Botanical Gardens has had a programme of out-door shows ranging from jazz to Shakespeare.

I could go on and on (and did a bit!!) but I reckon your choice of Bradfield and Sheffield in general will be the best move you'll make.

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As a previous poster mentioned, both Dore and Totley are decent areas near some great countryside. I don't think you'll have too much trouble finding a place that allows cats - I rented my place out in Totley and they have a couple of cats....I'm not too bothered. I think the biggest issue you will find is actually the type of property - our houses are smaller than yours. Space is an issue here in a way that it won't be in most bits of the USA. You will find the average victorian terraced house rather small I expect, and if this doesn't suit your needs, you will find the choice greatly reduced.

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The schools here are rather horrible with teaching, so I am home schooling my three ... Might be worth doing the same... The weather isn't very nice (although knock on wood we've had 3 days with no rain), the TV is rubbish, and the food is worse lol. EVERYTHING foodwise is different, although my mom loves toad in the hole:) Good luck!!



I don't know why you bothered to come! Rather a broad statement about schools - there are lots of excellent schools in sheffield so you obviously haven't done your research and everyone knows that British TV is far superior to American ( except for the awful imports we keep getting from USA).

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Sheffield isn't too bad. I'm from a town of 50,000ish in Wyoming....Sheffield is a LOT different. I am finally learning to drive over here (after 5 years of driving in the states), and that is going to make a REAL difference. I hate buses and still haven't gotten used to them since moving here. The schools here are rather horrible with teaching, so I am home schooling my three ... Might be worth doing the same... The weather isn't very nice (although knock on wood we've had 3 days with no rain), the TV is rubbish, and the food is worse lol. EVERYTHING foodwise is different, although my mom loves toad in the hole:) Good luck!!


Each to their own! I suppose some things are better, some are worse (many just different), but as someone else said, it depends on, for example, which school you choose! There are some excellent schools here. I don't think I quite get what you mean by "The schools here are rather horrible with teaching"?


No one really likes buses I don't think, but they do the job. The weather isn't great, but I've been to parts of the US where I would describe the weather as being much worse!


One thing I disagree with you on is the food. like many things, it is where you go, and what your tastes are, but I think Sheffield has a fantastic range of restaurants, representing cultures from all over the world. Far more diverse than many cities. The portions may be smaller though!


I think something you missed when describing Sheffield is the atmosphere of the place, and the warmth of the people. The views accross the city are lovely, it's easy to travel to most other parts of the UK, and Europe, there are loads of parks and it's close to plenty of countryside.


BUT, much as I love Sheffield, it is slightly scruffy and rough around the edges in parts, so be prepared! I think it adds to the charm, bu some may disagree!


In terms of areas to live, I'd say Devonshire Quarter doesn't sound ideal for you. It's very central, but can be noisy, and probably not best for your kids. There are probably more students and young people living here, rather than familes and the acommodation can be quite, er, cosy! Also, the traffic can be bad.


Somewhere like Netheredge could be a good bet. You can walk to town within half an hour, or get the bus. There are wide, leafy and generally quiet streets with large, characterful houses. If you want to live somewhere further out then yes, somewhere like Dore or Totley would be good (I don't know Bradfield well) and close to the peak district for days out with you family.


In terms of schools, it might be worth checking out if your husbands company will pay private school fees, because as I'm sure you are aware a lot do as part of a package when you move abroad for a short term contract. You might be happier with the standard of these schools, you get longer holidays, and you won't have to be in the catchment area so it will give you more choice of where to live. Having said that, I've been to both private and comprehensive schools and been happy at both types - it depends on the school.


It sounds like you are quite positive about moving here, and I hope you enjoy it. I once had some Canadian friends who moved to London (Barnes) and left within 3 months, saying it was boring, smelly and dirty. I hope you have a much better experience!


There is also an interesting article about Sheffield on BBC news at the moment that you might be interested in.

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I've read through some of the threads and am getting a good feeling for the various areas of Sheffield. We may be moving to Sheffield for a year or two and would need to rent a place. We have two kids and three cats (which have started the exportation process). My son is 6 and is currently in 1st grade here. My daughter is 3. I won't be working so nursery school isn't an issue, but we would like to find a good primary school. My husband's company is paying for our rent, preferably furnished. Could you please help me determine a few good areas to look into for school and housing? :) Also, not being as familiar with the area I rely on either maps.google.co.uk or british-publishing.com maps. In your other threads I can't always tell where the areas you mention are.


If hubby has to head to the airport, if you're looking for decent schools, if you want proximity to countryside and if the area has to have a decent rental stock, and if you have the budget then perhaps Ranmoor / Fulwood might do the trick.


I'm not sure Dore has so many rental properties and you'd have to cross the entire city (I think) to get to the airport. From my experience, there's less of a community feel in S17 cf S10 (that's only my experience so please no offence to those civic minded residents of S17!).


I would avoid living to centrally, mind.

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