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Ceasareans to order. Should the NHS charge?

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Noticed the front page of one of the papers today are talking about the increasing numbers of women who are demanding a ceasarean birth.


Ceasareans are traditionally only carried out when there is a medical need ie the life of the mother and/or baby would be at risk.


Seems that many women today want ot have the baby when they want it so that it can fit around their busy schedules and then there are those who are considered 'too posh to push' and don't want their bits and pieces damaging by natural childbirth, albeit temporary.


Should the NHS charge up to £5k per requested ceasarean as one paper was headlining? Personally I think that a charge should be made if there is no medical need. Why should the NHS foot the bill for unnecessary procedures?

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

Does it cost a whole lot more for the procedure?


I don't know but I should imagine it will. Most women deliver without any problems whatsoever and the only attendant she will have is the midwife. Of course the baby has to be checked by a peadiatrician but for most people that is it.


On the other hand a ceasarean is a major operation and as such employs a whole team of medics.


I would think that there would be a big difference in cost.

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I don't really feel qualified to comment on whether this is right or not.


I think the phrase "Too posh to push" was coined for this.


Personally i would charge women who want to have caesareans for no genuine medical reason, but being a man i hope i would never have to experience that kind of pain. I guess if i could avoid the pain i would pay too.



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If a patient is dictating how the treatment is to be conducted for reasons other than those based on medical need it seems fair to charge if it's far more expensive.


It's strange how times have changed though, as 20-30 years ago the debate was about Medics unnecessarily resorting to Ceasarian section for reasons of expediency and their own convenience. Mothers were often pressured into having them even when they had reservations about it. (Doctor knows best!)

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Originally posted by sarah d

I'm not sure about this one,i do think patients don't get enough information about either procedure to be be able to make an informed decision.


Thats the point. Should it be an option?


Women are designed to give birth. It's the most natural thing in the world.


You soon forget about the pain when you see the product of your labours.

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I have been listening to this story most of the morning on the radio.


Most people are just too soft. My nan had six children without any pain relief whatso ever and if it wasn't for women like her, most of us wouldn't be here now because the population would have been seriously affected.


I do not see why we should have to foot the bill for those who choose to go thru such a procedure when they have all they need right there in their own bodies to do it for less.


I personally fought hard to avoid the procedure first time round due to pushy doctors and would only consider it if both me and the baby were in danger. Be damned if they come near me with an epidural too.


Those who have a genuine medical reason or require one in an emergency should be given the procedure for free otherwise there is no need and they should pay.



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