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Ceasareans to order. Should the NHS charge?

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There is FAR too much political correctness around about the whole birth experience.


The only 'acceptable' way to give birth (for the 'earth mother' types who seem to have hugely influenced midwives from what I can tell) seems to be to have the baby naturally with as little pain relief as possible. It's like the mother gets a Gold Star for Motherhood if she achieves this. :huh: It's almost like there's a sort of stigma if the mother is forced to use a lot of pain relief, or, heaven forbid, have an 'unnatural' c-section. God knows how many mothers and babies lives have been saved by this procedure.


Surely the whole point is to produce a healthy and not-too-distressed baby - without losing the life of the mother in the process?


It strikes me that this a 'natural birth is best' is a 'badge of honour' type thing. But ultimately what does it matter as long as the baby is born healthy? At least with an elective caesarian, the new mother is not completely exhausted and demoralised before she has the surgery. I admit I have minimal medical knowledge, but it seems sensible to me to think that with an elective rather than emergency caesarian, the likelihood is the mother would recover from the surgery more quickly.


Of course, caesarians are not for everyone, but I feel strongly it should be a woman's right to have one, if she believes it is the right thing for her and her baby.



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