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Happy 1st of July Folks

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Today's also the 90th anniversary of the start of the campaign at the Somme, which while a turning point in World War I also cost hundreds of thousands of lives, many of which were all lost on one day, 1st July 1916.


Celebrate the good weather, possibly a football match victory, and for at least one forummer I know also a happy birthday (he knows who he is!), but please also spend a few minutes thinking about and paying tribute to the countless dead who fought for our country and the families who lost them.

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Thanks for that reminder. Happy first to you too. You have gladly reminded me that I get 100 pounds to spend today. Completely forgot. Wooohhooooooooooo - Im off to hobbycraft to but lots of stickers and transfers! Sad yes, but unfortunately all I seem to do is clean the house and change dirty nappies these days - but I am a woman and I should know my place and be thankful:hihi:

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Thanks for that reminder. Happy first to you too. You have gladly reminded me that I get 100 pounds to spend today. Completely forgot. Wooohhooooooooooo - Im off to hobbycraft to but lots of stickers and transfers! Sad yes, but unfortunately all I seem to do is clean the house and change dirty nappies these days - but I am a woman and I should know my place and be thankful:hihi:


Being an extremely inqisitive person I have to ask, why did you get £100 on July 1st? And being even more nosey, how come you needed reminding? I only ask because if I owe you any money, I’ve not sent it. In fact I’ve conveniently forgotten about it so don’t go spending what you haven’t got.


Best of luck with the nappies and what-not — and the stickers and transfers, and being as I said an inquisitive person, what are said stickers and transfers for? I hope they’re not to say “peterw owes me £100” and end up on the rear window of your car!


Have a very, very nice day away from cleaning your house and washing dirty nappies, and I know I should mind my own business but I can’t!

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