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Roes Shop Woodhouse Sheffield

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I'm looking for any Pictures or posts from any one that remembers my Granddads old shop in Woodhouse it was on or on the corner of Victoria road/street, His surname was Roe, the shop sold a variety of things, ie food sweets and also fishing tackle I remember the maggots in an old tin bath out back, I was very young the last time I visited, so any memories would be greatly appreciated thank you 

Edited by nikki-red
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There are several pictures of shops on Victoria Rd on the Picture Sheffield website. Just search 'Victoria Road Woodhouse'

Do you know what years the shop operated?

My mum lived just round the corner on Sheffield Rd, I'll ask her when I see her.

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Hi Sparky, I grew up in Woodhouse in the 50's and 60's and for some years delivered morning newspapers on Sheffield Road and Victoria Road. The fishing tackle shop I remember was a large wooden hut on Sheffield Road on the bend just before Victoria Road on the left, which was just past the Angel as you came out of the village.

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On 04/11/2020 at 17:36, Norbert said:

There are several pictures of shops on Victoria Rd on the Picture Sheffield website. Just search 'Victoria Road Woodhouse'

Do you know what years the shop operated?

My mum lived just round the corner on Sheffield Rd, I'll ask her when I see her.

Hiya not really sure of the timings, I was a toddler I was born in 1964, I was walking so I will hazard a guess of around 1968/69, I think Grandad Roe had the shop before meeting my Nan, coz he was my dad's stepdad, cheers for the info 


On 05/11/2020 at 18:00, HIBBSY said:

Hi Sparky, I grew up in Woodhouse in the 50's and 60's and for some years delivered morning newspapers on Sheffield Road and Victoria Road. The fishing tackle shop I remember was a large wooden hut on Sheffield Road on the bend just before Victoria Road on the left, which was just past the Angel as you came out of the village.

Hiya Cheers for that matey, as I said I was a toddler but I know it was a house they had, the Maggotts were outside in what looked like the old Lavvy, I remember collecting them in the maggot boxes as they came in for them any more would be greatly appreciated cheers

On 05/11/2020 at 18:00, HIBBSY said:



On 05/11/2020 at 18:00, HIBBSY said:



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Hi Sparky, The large wooden hut I remembered was demolished before mid 60's so maybe fishing tackle shop moved to a bricks and mortar premises at the end of Victoria Road about that time. This could have been your grandfather or someone totally unrelated.

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12 hours ago, HIBBSY said:

Hi Sparky, The large wooden hut I remembered was demolished before mid 60's so maybe fishing tackle shop moved to a bricks and mortar premises at the end of Victoria Road about that time. This could have been your grandfather or someone totally unrelated.

could be a possibility Hibbsy, thanks for that, I wish I could be in contact with my Dads side of the family but sadly most of them have passed away, I know too 2 step brothers but I'm not sure if they are still with us, I'd like to thank you again for the input and maybe one day I will get a bit more of an insight cheers 

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According to my mum the shop on the left corner of Victoria Rd was 'Greenfield's', she was friendly with their daughter Maisie. The pictures on the Picture Sheffield website are a bit blurry, but if you use the zoom button they are sharper and you can read some of the writing on the shops.


My mum lived around the corner 1938-1964 but doesn't remember the name Roe. She does remember the VE Day party on Victoria Rd, it was very raucous with the women dancing with their dresses tucked into their knickers! Mum's parents were strict methodists and didn't attend. 

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