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Arise Sir Dave Richards!

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yeah i agree firsts pay rise jan wilson appears in media two weeks later shes gone thinking it will all blow over sheffield fourth biggest city in england = no ikea . not car friendley . crime rate ballooned, no idea even when lib dems were in we had a problem jan wilson keeps harping on about how sheffield is coming on well i worked it nottingham leeds and visted manchester they have a clue about the city and dont turn down ikea and are streets ahead of sheffield while this council is in charge nothing will change mark my words and seeing jan wislon get a cbe tops this off . rant over

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Most certainly. The man left many Sheffield Wednesday fans with a very bad taste in their mouths, remember the failed Charterhouse deal? Do you recall the "I won't sack Danny Wilson" pledges? Honourable, I don't think so. He told the Star, physio Alan Smith was leaving Hillsborough to expand his private practice at Wickersley. Real reason for Smith's bust up with Francis was the manager's desperation to play one of his costly signings with pain-killing injections rather than rest the injury. Smith wouldn't tolerate such unprofessional action and left, even though he was good enough to continue his work with England. Richards was cornered into admitting the truth at the next AGM! Like many of the high-flyers, they just feather their own nests and **** on the people beneath them.


Spot on! :thumbsup:

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This was a man who promised us the earth and delivered **** all.The ground improved but while Richards feathered his nest down at the FA in London the club began to slide.At the same time his company 3 star engineering went tits up"my then employer was owned 40 000 off them"and he bolted of south.******:rant: :rant:

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I'm sure that we all remember when he didn't renew Big Ron's contract when he was at The Owls for his 2nd spell. He came back when we down & out & pulled in some good signings to keep us up; somehow! Remember Emerson Thome! DAVE'S thanks was 'a big thanks' of not renewinging his contract after he kept us up. Me thinks it was so he could get his own back for Ron walking on us the first time!


We've been in decline since!!!!!!!!!


Thanks Dave & a well deserved GONG; NOT!!!!!!!


:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

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