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When your views are not what some posters want to read then what have you been called

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Well, I didn't know that I have such an active political stance until I came onto this board. Or that I'm extremely involved in the brigade services ! :D


I've been labelled as a "liberal do-gooder", part of the "PC brigade", marginally lablled as a "racist", "childish", too way off the planet like "Slim" (didn't even know who he was before) etc etc etc...

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Not the nasty one that lives under a bridge and threatens children, I hope?

LOL No, I don't believe that was the intention :suspect: . I think he meant the internet type of troll :) .

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I cannot abide whingers or whiners, who start 'trouble' and then play the 'victim' card.


Amen to that, Timo.


Unfortunately, there's rather too many of those on this Forum for my liking. If you can't handle the heat....



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It's not just what you get called but the counter posts that aim to deny you the right to your own opinion. I have a great respect for timo's couldn't care a donkey's attitude and the content of his counter posts.


Lets face it we all live different life styles, have our own political views along with likes and dislikes. The PC brigade will always hover over any post that doesn't meet with it's approval as will the ban everything members.


So what, carry on posting.

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The thing is, one can get the wrong impression of other coves on here sometimes. Good-natured joshing can sometimes come across as spite, and occasionally people misinterprete things. Dear Cycleracer [whom I genuinely like] actually thought that my 'Rolf Harris' thread was serious!


Actually, I AM serious when I tell you that Shoeshine is a ******* *******, not to mention an absolute ****.

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