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Who has a gay Friend?

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I have a gay mate, not a best mate, just a mate. It doesn't bother me what his sexuality is and he know's i'm straght. Though he does keep pinching my bottom, but he knows i have a nice arse:thumbsup:

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I have a gay mate, not a best mate, just a mate. It doesn't bother me what his sexuality is and he know's i'm straght. Though he does keep pinching my bottom, but he knows i have a nice arse:thumbsup:


and you're alright by that? :o

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I think it's completely possible for a hetrosexual <man or woman> to be friends, even best friends with a homosexual <man or woman>.


Some of my best friends are gay and I love them to bits, not because they want to get into my pants but cos they're lovely.


I've noticed that I feel more comfortable with gay men as there's obviously no pressure that you might feel with when out / drinking with hetro men.


Being a gay woman, I prefer drinking in gay bars with gay men, I then don't have to start explaining myself and my sexuality if a man wants to buy me a drink.


<exits SF to blow own trumpet a bit more!!!>

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My friend Ian, a straight married man, has had a best mate for over 40 years, who is gay. And Deborah and her husband Roy coincidentally are friends with the same gay bloke.


Funnily enough, Jane is friends with the same guy, though she doesn't see him very often as she lives in London - but she's invited him to stay with her sometime next month.


Nearer home, Liz from Walkley has again accepted an invitation to go on holiday with her gay friend, who is the same guy who knows Ian, Roy & Deborah and Jane.


Actually, Ian's two sons, Tim and Anthony, are also friends with their father's gay friend - as is Anthony's wife Sylvia. In fact Tim, Anthony & Sylvia - along with their two young children - go on holiday with their gay friend (and his partner) every year. Indeed, this is the fourteenth consecutive year that the two brothers have gone on holiday with their gay friend.


That reminds me, I must get a wedding present for the son of my friend Liz. I must also e-mail Jane in London and let her know what time my train gets into London. I must check out whether it's Anthony or Tim who will give me that lift to Snowdonia and back when we go on holiday. I must also sort out the menu for this Chinese meal I'm cooking over at Roy's house to celebrate Deborah's 40th birthday. And I'm looking forward to seeing Ian on Saturday.


Let me know when you start a thread about 'how many gay people have a gay friend', and I'd be delighted to tell you about some of my gay friends as well! :bigsmile::thumbsup:


Fantastic post :hihi:


I have very close gay and straight friends both male and female and i love them all for who they are not for who they may(if lucky) or may not sleep with

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If someone is genuinely your friend, what difference does their sexual preference make to your relationship?


Just wondering . . .


Couldn't agree more...:thumbsup:

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