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Need to buy bamboo

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The ones in B&Q are good value for £30, they look quite big when your close to them but get them in the ground and they seem to shrink! I need about 20 of them so am trying to find another source.

They had some real big ones a few weeks back neeeeeeeeeek priced at £85.00

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Bamboo spreads VERY quickly unless you contain it, and it's a bugger to get rid off. The B&Q ones are ok for the money, or you could try NewLeaf, on the road that goes from Jordanthorpe into Coal Aston (sorry about the crap directions)

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As said above, there are different varieties. We have a Japanese style garden and we have a lot of bamboo. We have a bed full of very tall, very thick bamboo that we use at the back of the garden to hide our garden from the neighbours at the back who seem to like cutting big holes in their hedge :loopy:


I think the parents are thinking about getting rid of it and selling it to garden centres, if someones interested in taking some away, they may be interested if you want to drop me a pm.

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