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HAYFEVER!! Arrrgh i'm suffering

Do you suffer from Hayfever?  

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  1. 1. Do you suffer from Hayfever?

    • Yes, it's horrible.
    • No, always seem to get away with it.
    • I've been sneezing more than usual lately.

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For the last few days, all I have done is sneeze. My eyes itch and my nose seems to have a constant tickle. It's not a cold, it's the dreaded Hayfever again.


I hate it so much. I sneeze and weep constantly from about April through to September and no matter what I take, eye drops, nasal sprays and tablets, nothing seems to work.


As well as the sneezing, I get rashes too and get so itchy I sometimes wish I could rip my skin off!! (bit extreme I know but it drive me mad!!)


Has anyone else here started with hayfever yet this year?


And don't you just want to punch people who come up to you and say "aww, have you got hayfever?" Naaahhh!!! I always look like this!! Grrrrrrr!!!

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I'm just starting with hayfever, I usually get a lot of the same symptoms that you have explained. And yes I do feel like punching people as none of my friends have it, they sometimes look at me and think I'm putting it on cos they don't realise how bad it can get!


I usually take benadryl which calms it down but is useless on the worst days, so far this season I have been taking Piriton tablets as well as a herbal tablet called "Allercaps". They don't seem too bad but I'll have to see if they help me withstand the worst of it.

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I've been convinced for the last couple of days that i've been coming down with a cold, today i noticed that not only is my throat sore but its also itchy as are my ears (my first signs of hayfever) which makes me think its not a cold but hayfever already!!!

the annoying thing is that its started in the last couple of days, when i've spent the previous 10 outside all day in the welsh mountains with absolutely no symptoms whatsoever!!!!! grrrr....


just as an extra, i discovered a new antihistamine last year that is the first one thats ever worked for me (others took away some of the symptoms but this one got most of them) its NeoClarityn (the old clarityn was useless) and it works wonders!!! ask your doc to try it!




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I go and see the doctor when it starts and get a hayfever injection. By the next day it's gone and doesn't come back. If I don't have the injection I get it real bad. Worth a trip to see him one thinks. Pitty there isn't anything to get rid of being acident prone, I've bumped into things 3 times this week already and cut me head:(

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Don't all flame me down at once, but has anyone tried 'Beconase' nasal spray? Worked for Mrs Draggle, who used to get hayfever quite bad......although since she altered her eating habits (milk based I think) she doesn't need the beconase any more.....

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Originally posted by Gerbutt

...... Pitty there isn't anything to get rid of being acident prone, I've bumped into things 3 times this week already and cut me head......:(


Made me grin, that one Gerbutt:)

Have you tried buying a 'hard hat' from wickes:D


Just keep it on in the hayfever season :D:confused:

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Draggletail, I think I need a more than just a hard hat, more like a complete body armer. Woke up this morning and made myself a lovely cup of tea, went back upto bed to drink it! Fell asleep, fell out of bed and banged my teeth on bedside cabinet and then cupa fell of cabinet and hit me on back of head and burnt me!!! Do you know, I've got to be so carefull crossing roads:)

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Originally posted by Draggletail

Don't all flame me down at once, but has anyone tried 'Beconase' nasal spray? Worked for Mrs Draggle, who used to get hayfever quite bad......although since she altered her eating habits (milk based I think) she doesn't need the beconase any more.....

I tried beconase years back, it made me sneeze so much more!!! kinda defeats the object :(

I have tried the diet thing tho, and from the moment my hayfever starts I cut out all milk and milk products (I don't eat egg so i'm not sure if that would make a difference too) and although it kills me to not have pizza and cheese for the summer I do find that it makes the hayfever so much more bearable.



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