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De La Salle College

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I don't recall Teresa Staniland, but remember a Michael Staniland, who could have possibly been her brother. If she was a year ahead or a year behind I probably would not have known her as I can remember a lot of names from my year but very few, if any, from other years. Incidentally, I still have a class photo from my early years at St Jo's with Miss Clapham standing at one end and Miss Riley at the other end.


Yes Michael was definitely her brother, as she often spoke about him, but I haven't met him myself. Re photos,my mum died in 2009 and I found in her photo box a First Holy Communion photo of me outside the Church- a little blonde & innocent 7 year old! Couldn't find any class photos. I often go past St J's as it's just up the road from where I work- it's still the same, but the big C of E school opposite was flattened a few years ago.

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Yes Michael was definitely her brother, as she often spoke about him, but I haven't met him myself. Re photos,my mum died in 2009 and I found in her photo box a First Holy Communion photo of me outside the Church- a little blonde & innocent 7 year old! Couldn't find any class photos. I often go past St J's as it's just up the road from where I work- it's still the same, but the big C of E school opposite was flattened a few years ago.


Out of curiosity, was Teresa older or younger than Michael, if you know that of course? .

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Academy Awards/Oscars Ceremony watchers will have noticed that Best Picture 2016 was won by SPOTLIGHT, the film uncovering rampant priest-paedophilia in Boston MASS in 2002. (249 cases admitted, involving 1000 children) And then the systematic moving-on of the guilty men to new parishes by Cardinal Bernard Law, Head of the Diocese in order to hide their terrible crimes committed on innocent young children, both boys and girls.


A truly fine film - try to see it … Understated, calm, factual and totally unstoppable as a matter of history …


News-watchers will also have noticed that the Australian Cardinal George Pell (Nº 3 in the Vatican hierarchy and in charge of the RC Church's global finances) is now being compelled on television to give testimony over his own multiple cover-ups and movings-on of priest-paedophiles while bishop of Melbourne/Ballarat in Australia. He is making a very poor show of the denials he offers - but don't take my word for it … just write his name into the BBC News website or Google it … and you will see for yourself. It's all very live at the moment.


After that, then make your own mind up - and don't just believe what you are told. It's a bad, bad habit just to swallow the Church's line uncritically. But then we were all brainwashed into doing it when we were kids.


It's taken a lot of time and a great deal of pain for all this to come out. Don't just shrug it off with the usual : The Church Knows Best .


It doesn't.

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Academy Awards/Oscars Ceremony watchers will have noticed that Best Picture 2016 was won by SPOTLIGHT, the film uncovering rampant priest-paedophilia in Boston MASS in 2002. (249 cases admitted, involving 1000 children) And then the systematic moving-on of the guilty men to new parishes by Cardinal Bernard Law, Head of the Diocese in order to hide their terrible crimes committed on innocent young children, both boys and girls.


A truly fine film - try to see it … Understated, calm, factual and totally unstoppable as a matter of history …


News-watchers will also have noticed that the Australian Cardinal George Pell (Nº 3 in the Vatican hierarchy and in charge of the RC Church's global finances) is now being compelled on television to give testimony over his own multiple cover-ups and movings-on of priest-paedophiles while bishop of Melbourne/Ballarat in Australia. He is making a very poor show of the denials he offers - but don't take my word for it … just write his name into the BBC News website or Google it … and you will see for yourself. It's all very live at the moment.


After that, then make your own mind up - and don't just believe what you are told. It's a bad, bad habit just to swallow the Church's line uncritically. But then we were all brainwashed into doing it when we were kids.


It's taken a lot of time and a great deal of pain for all this to come out. Don't just shrug it off with the usual : The Church Knows Best .


It doesn't.

Roman Catholicism along with Russian Communism has kept half the World in poverty for decades.

While at the same time the heads of these institutions have enriched themselves beyond imagination .

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Roman Catholicism along with Russian Communism has kept half the World in poverty for decades.

While at the same time the heads of these institutions have enriched themselves beyond imagination .


Welcome to Mastermind, subject... the bleeding obvious

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Roman Catholicism along with Russian Communism has kept half the World in poverty for decades.

While at the same time the heads of these institutions have enriched themselves beyond imagination .


You're nearly as bad as the Catholic Church for preaching!! I'm sure people are intelligent enough to draw their own conclusions!

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You're nearly as bad as the Catholic Church for preaching!! I'm sure people are intelligent enough to draw their own conclusions!

Well they are still falling over them selves to send their kids to these bloody awful religious schools.

Schools that encourage separatism.


---------- Post added 04-03-2016 at 15:57 ----------


Welcome to Mastermind, subject... the bleeding obvious

See above.

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Hello each, sorry I'm late coming to this topic. I never attended DLS but had the full Monty S.Y. Catholic upbringing, being eldest of 9, like many my Dad was an economic migrant; pit then steel worker. Christening of course, Confession; as my soul was dammed for eternity at age 6/7, First Communion all in white and terrified after being told that Jesus would burn my tongue out if I had been 'bad' between that morning and yesterday’s Confession, Conformation; 'the Bishop will ask you a question and if you can’t answer it you will be refused, have to leave the Church and school (all my mates) and be dammed'. RC infants Monday morning Mass register; "what mass did you go to? Did anybody see her/him there"? If not, wham! Corporal punishment present at all and every turn, despite my having a speech defect from early years, I was as a teenager at secondary made to stand on a desk and read aloud to much teacher led laughter and on several occasions caned for 'wilful stuttering'. "I see it as part of my religious and teaching duties to toughen you up for life" said he and he didn't stint himself on that. I saw contemporaries vomiting when called out to the front by him. Little girls (always little as in tiny) having the backs of their (bare) legs whipped with rubber hosepipe taken from a science lab' Bunsen burner for talking in line. All in the name of Catholic schooling, if I recall precious little learning took place; power and control yes, learning no.


So for me RC schooling was not a; ‘hard knocks fairly given’ by people who really, really loved me, wonderland. So I can't identify with those from Rotherham and district (rest of SY) posters to this forum who had similar experiences but it never affected them as they were too tough, yeh right. Ask your selves would you today let a teacher treat one of your children or grandchildren as above? If not, why not, if it was so beneficial to you? Their actions destroyed and continue to destroy my life.


In wider SY There was a RC school in Rawmarsh, Swinton, Dearne Valley area who had a teacher put up in court and found guilty for his violent behaviour; I remember reading about it in the Star this in the early 1960's. There was also the scandal of a Nun taking an RC school to a Tribunal, held in Sheffield, where the frequent drunkenness of several senior members of staff while on duty was made public and widely reported, again in the Star.


In later life I went onto gain several level 4 and 5 academic qualifications, working in academia then the criminal justice system. I have while trying to keep my life together vis extensive, audited, study and supervised training learned that the grooming process leading to sexual abuse has Emotional and Physical aspects deployed over a period of time to ensure that the process will be successful. Importantly for this topic that abusive sexual gratification can be obtained not only via bodily penetration or intimate touching but more so from physical and emotional violence.


Sheffield Hallam Diocese has a website page called "Harmed by Abuse" with contact details for a very nice lady. If need be give it a try. Unfortunately she is on her own, in more ways than one, but very helpful to me when I (post Saville) sent into S.Y. Police a thirty page letter outlining my school days experiences and got a D.S. who questioned my mental fitness for ‘carrying baggage for fifty years’ before humorously saying what I had faced and “was not upto coping with was ‘a strict Catholic disciplinarian’, who obviously had good and bad days” (comments accepted today as being used by apologists for abusers). However, before his (the DS) bursting out laughing he did say that what I had provided was a lengthy list of instances of what were even then termed Common Assault and as such were punishable by law. Then the CSE scandal broke in Rotherham and for me it all ended there. KTF

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I have no religion but have always thought of the Catholic church as one being run on fear. I always have to laugh to myself when walking past the local Catholic church and see in the foyer a poster for child line. I marvel at the irony. My only experience of Catholic Schools is as already said in here is a basketball game at De La Salle in which we were roundly bullied during the game with the officials from the school turning a blind eye. When I say bullied in some cases mugging would be more accurate. Never really thought about it until this thread but maybe the phrase you reap what you sow is appropriate to the level of violence we experienced. Only game we lost that year btw

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