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Cyclist Strava use Survey

As a cyclists tick the option which best represents your Strava usage  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. As a cyclists tick the option which best represents your Strava usage

    • I'm not a cyclist
    • Cyclist - Don't use Strava, ever.
    • Cyclist - Use strava for every journey
    • Cyclist - Use Strava when I commute to work, no other time
    • Cyclist - Use Strava for cycling OTHER than commute
    • Cyclist - Other, I'll explain

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I run and cycle and I use Strava but not for every single run or cycle just for longer ones. For instance there are places without mobile data where strava doesn't work and if I cycle to the station or the shop I don't much care about my speed; it's more hassle than it's worth to set strava running.


I suspect that people who have activity trackers linked to the app or download from watches might find it easier just to upload all the data to Strava.

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I use it for running mostly, and when running I even track my commute.

I could use it for cycling to work, but I don't see why I would, I'm not trying to set a new PB on that route. So I'd only use it if biking not on a commute.


As to why people use it, I like to track my progress against myself and against friends (that's for running, I don't have a road bike, so no speed competition there).


Pete - It doesn't need mobile data to work. I've used it in France to track snowboarding with data turned off. It just uploads when it has wifi in the chalet.

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I use it for running mostly, and when running I even track my commute.

I could use it for cycling to work, but I don't see why I would, I'm not trying to set a new PB on that route. So I'd only use it if biking not on a commute.


As to why people use it, I like to track my progress against myself and against friends (that's for running, I don't have a road bike, so no speed competition there).


Pete - It doesn't need mobile data to work. I've used it in France to track snowboarding with data turned off. It just uploads when it has wifi in the chalet.


On my commute I'm less interested in timing routes because things like traffic and traffic lights can skew the results over a decent distance. I prefer it to look at the segments on various hills because that can show any progress i'm making on my fitness.


I also really like using the cadence monitor on my cycle computer, it's really handy to see the numbers in front of you, making it easy to stick to the cadence that you want.

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Before the days of GPS and strava, I found it best not to time myself when cycling to work. It caused me to go faster than advisable.

But, I love to do the same segments again and again and just immerse myself in the stats afterwards. Personal form is very important but the combination of a good effort, perfect conditions and positive interaction with other road users is a rare and beautiful thing.

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Before the days of GPS and strava, I found it best not to time myself when cycling to work. It caused me to go faster than advisable.

But, I love to do the same segments again and again and just immerse myself in the stats afterwards. Personal form is very important but the combination of a good effort, perfect conditions and positive interaction with other road users is a rare and beautiful thing.


I agree, I have a friend/colleague who's a competition race cyclist in his spare time, the trouble is that he takes the race to the road. When he discovered Strava it only made him worse.


I'm not blaming Strava, by the way, that'd be like blaming a powerful car for the driver driving it too fast.

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I agree, I have a friend/colleague who's a competition race cyclist in his spare time, the trouble is that he takes the race to the road. When he discovered Strava it only made him worse.


I'm not blaming Strava, by the way, that'd be like blaming a powerful car for the driver driving it too fast.


I don't get feeling smug about doing a fast commute through a city, because it's as likely to be a reflection of getting a series of green traffic lights and clear sections at junctions than a monster effort or improved fitness.

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