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Bussiness plan for funds

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Hiya. Does anybody know somebody who could write me a bussiness plan?

Ive got everything sorted beside bussiness plan and to write it down in English is an extra challenge.



Many of the banks provide free template (wizard driven) business plan writing software; I'd try them first to give you an idea of what is required in a business plan.


Out of interest, what is the business plan for?

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go to your business manager as first port of call. Honestly, it depends what you want the business plan to do for you.


Is it funding from bank? private investment? vc money?


---------- Post added 11-08-2015 at 16:12 ----------


public finance? I've created a load of business plans. I can safely say the best business plans are concise! don't spend a lot of time on pages and pages of waffle if you don't need to. thats time you could spend on your business.

a business plan might contain the following:


executive summary

market research

marketing strategy

pricing strategy

equipment / costs

growth ideas / future plans

exit strategy

experience and staffing

details of company ownership


and will almost always include a 12 month cash flow forecast (minimum).

I sometimes do 'alternative scenarios' in excel. The idea is you always want to know where you are at any given time, and following any negative scenario e.g. a major supplier pulls out.


---------- Post added 11-08-2015 at 16:18 ----------


be super pessimistic with figures (especially if it's a bank!). I also wouldn't give up your day job if speaking to a bank. They dont care how successful you are, just that you can forfill loan obligations should things go tits up.


other investors have different criteria and may want to see a return on spreadsheets or more expansive figures. Remember it's all just projections so don't get carried away.

Edited by TJC1
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the replies I didnt get any notifications thats why I didnt respond.

I'm currently unemployed and want to go for a loan with NEA as they back you up for six months.

My native language is Polish thats why I would prefer for somebody to help me out with this bussiness plan.

Its nothing major that Im looking at, something around 3000 pounds should cover everything for me to get me going.

So I think the bank would reject me straight away as Im unemployed.

Any thoughts?

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  • 1 month later...
Thanks for all the replies I didnt get any notifications thats why I didnt respond.

I'm currently unemployed and want to go for a loan with NEA as they back you up for six months.

My native language is Polish thats why I would prefer for somebody to help me out with this bussiness plan.

Its nothing major that Im looking at, something around 3000 pounds should cover everything for me to get me going.

So I think the bank would reject me straight away as Im unemployed.

Any thoughts?


I think NEA is a government scheme for the unemployed. You will prob go through a loan provider called five lamps.


So, no being unemployed doesnt stop you obtaining a loan. Make sure your finances are in order before applying. Any non satisfied debts paid or payment planned.


If approaching bank directly. Poss you will still get a loan or an overdraft. However, the ability to repay is what they are after. Having a day job helps increase chances as does credit worthiness.


Think of the bank as risk managers. The more you can offset risk, the more likely approval.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Being unemployed and getting an unsecured loan will be a challenge ! I would suggest that you put on a big drive to try to get a job asap, at the same time developing a business plan. Another challenge may be if you are not a permanent resident/citizen, that will make the banks nervous. They will be concerned about your ability to disappear if the going gets tough !

One other consideration. I would only use retail banks as a last resort. What you could consider is a third party investor, or relatives/friends to raise the equity you need.


Looking at the responses you have received, you have been given some good advice.


Might be an idea to get a summary of your plan together (say no more than 2 pages) and take into your confidence someone you trust to review it with. I can understand why you would not want to go into detail in a public Forum !

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