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Electric Toothbrushing - Who knew??

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The secret of strong teeth is good genes (about which you can do nothing) and avoiding sugary snacks and drinks (about which you can).


Brushing once a day and flossing gently in between bridges is a good idea but the above make more difference.

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The lady who cleans my teeth explained a long time ago that brushing in a circular movement was the correct method. I had a habit of brushing side to side or up and down. I bought an electric tooth brush afterwards which brushes in a circular movement. Flossing is necessary also. A few months ago I also bought a thing called a Water Pik which you fill up with lukewarm water. It runs on a battery but needs charging from an electric outlet occasionally. There is a small high pressure nozzle at the top which squirts water and you concentrate the water along the gum lines and in between the teeth. Works great for cutting down on plaque build up

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The lady who cleans my teeth explained a long time ago that brushing in a circular movement was the correct method. I had a habit of brushing side to side or up and down. I bought an electric tooth brush afterwards which brushes in a circular movement. Flossing is necessary also. A few months ago I also bought a thing called a Water Pik which you fill up with lukewarm water. It runs on a battery but needs charging from an electric outlet occasionally. There is a small high pressure nozzle at the top which squirts water and you concentrate the water along the gum lines and in between the teeth. Works great for cutting down on plaque build up


Jeez! ... you've got it cushy in California! A lady cleans your teeth for you? :o

Over here in England, we don't need jet washers either ... mind you, we don't eat twice our own weight in beefburgers everyday :P (joke).

Look how clean my teeth are > :D.

Even when I laugh they don't fall out either > :hihi:

Domestos is the answer.

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Jeez! ... you've got it cushy in California! A lady cleans your teeth for you? :o

Over here in England, we don't need jet washers either ... mind you, we don't eat twice our own weight in beefburgers everyday :P (joke).

Look how clean my teeth are > :D.

Even when I laugh they don't fall out either > :hihi:

Domestos is the answer.


My mate MacDesmond has a personal tooth cleaner and it costs him nowt!


Early each morning he goes into Glasgow city centre, lays down on the pavement and hangs his head over the kerb. Along comes the Council road sweepy cleaning thingy, (the one with rotating bristles) and gives his mush a jolly good clean.


I have to wear sunglasses when he smiles.:cool:

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My mate MacDesmond has a personal tooth cleaner and it costs him nowt!


Early each morning he goes into Glasgow city centre, lays down on the pavement and hangs his head over the kerb. Along comes the Council road sweepy cleaning thingy, (the one with rotating bristles) and gives his mush a jolly good clean.


I have to wear sunglasses when he smiles.:cool:

I understand that teeth extraction is both cheap and readily availabe in Glasgow too Mr.McWoods (Quite often adopting the teeth whitening 'laying down on the pavement' posture you describe, shortly after surgery) :P

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I understand that teeth extraction is both cheap and readily availabe in Glasgow too Mr.McWoods (Quite often adopting the teeth whitening 'laying down on the pavement' posture you describe, shortly after surgery) :P


That's correct sir.


If I feel toothache coming on, I don my England football shirt and it's off down Sauchiehall Street to visit the worlds largest free alfresco dental parlour.

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That's correct sir.


If I feel toothache coming on, I don my England football shirt and it's off down Sauchiehall Street to visit the worlds largest free alfresco dental parlour.

Different down here ... I had toothache today (always have to be honest), donned a jumper and then up to Crookes to visit the world's worst Sainsbury's.

Came back with a bag of overpriced sugar. :mad:

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Jeez! ... you've got it cushy in California! A lady cleans your teeth for you? :o

Over here in England, we don't need jet washers either ... mind you, we don't eat twice our own weight in beefburgers everyday :P (joke).

Look how clean my teeth are > :D.

Even when I laugh they don't fall out either > :hihi:

Domestos is the answer.


So it's not normal in England to have a checkup, x-ray and intensive cleaning done by a dental hygienist two or three times a year ?


All that plaque build up that a tooth brush doesn't get allowed to proliferate and eventually cause teeth to deteriorate, bad teeth, stinky breath and yank em out free of charge under the NHS :hihi:

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So it's not normal in England to have a checkup, x-ray and intensive cleaning done by a dental hygienist two or three times a year ?



Teeth cleaning by my NHS dentist is very poor; he sent me to a hygienist, and I go there once at least year costing me £45.


I am told that cleaning is part of the NHS treatment.

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It never ceases to amaze me, the number of gullible people who'd prefer to erode their teeth much quicker (by a factor of around 500 times) using abrasives administered by electronic means, over the lesser damage caused by purely manual application. The cost of these whizzy machines seems to be relative to the extortionate price ... the faster, the more expensive.


Some of the most expensive ones have digital readouts to tell you how many teeth you have remaining, as well as (using a combination of fuzzy logic and complex algorithms) a projected guess at how long they'll carry on remaining at 80,000rpm with a paste consisting of aluminium oxide, sand, more gravel and mint flavouring.


I take a keen (almost expert) interest in dentistry, having had the misfortune to be gifted with teeth that certainly wouldn't get me anywhere near a starring role in 'The Pillars of the Earth', a docu-drama set in the twelfth century where everybody's teeth were whiter, and more perfect than any other before or after historical period of mankind.


In fact, by contrast, my teeth are what most people (with eyes) would regard as 'brown'. This is due to the copious amounts of black coffee I drink on a quarter hourly basis.

I've tried the 'Now with added whiteness' pastes that the top toothpaste/toothbrush manufacturers try to con money out of you with ... they're rubbish!


To my way of thinking, anything that makes your teeth whiter (apart from abrading the top surface of the enamel off with sand based products) has to contain a bleaching agent ... organic or otherwise.

Armed with this higher Knowledge, two weeks ago, I invented my own tooth whitening technique. All that it involves (and notice how I'm not asking for money for telling you about this) is a fine artist's paintbrush and an eggcup full of Domestos (I used the 'citrus' flavoured stuff in the yellow bottle).

I simply painted neat Domestos (carefully) onto my teeth.

The effect was instantaneous ... you could see them turning white! After about thirty seconds, I simply washed my mouth out copiously with water. Everone's asking where I got them done now, as they're brilliant! :thumbsup:


This is the secret thing that dentist's don't want you to know ... they make millions by keeping this fact a secret. Daft electronic toothbrushes make lots more money for them as they're in on a percentage with the manufacturers of them! Notice how they all drive brand new BMW sports cars? :suspect:


Domestos? :gag:

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