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Trophy/Big Game Hunting. Killing animals for fun.

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There are many failing of the human race, this has to be one of them. How can anyone kill an Elephant for fun? I'd shoot him, and I mean that, if I could get away with it!


Would you or have you ever been a hunter? I must admit in my youth I misguidedly shot rabbits but I can claim the folly of youth and I'd never do anything like the man in the article.


Times have changed I would have hoped we'd evolved over the last few centuries and hunting was itself extinct...


This from the article...


'I enjoy hunting, its primeval. When I look through the scope I don't see a living thing, its a target.'


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2057993/Brutal-The-civil-servant-loves-killing-elephants-hippos-buffaloes-wild.html#ixzz1cuvIzvq7

Edited by Frank Sidney
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That is just totally outragous couldn't even read it i adore elephants,humans are so cruel.......

All that death so he can look a tough guy and get his rocks off i know where i'd like to shove his gun,and i swear i wouldn't hesitate for a second,like you if i could get away with it.....

Yet again i despair the human race,what sad and pathetic examples we are...:rant::rant::rant:

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I can understand and condone killing to eat. After all, I am not a vegetarian so therefore I have been tacitly condoning that ever since I gave up my vegan aims.


Killing for fun is an entirely different matter and if I knew that anybody killed as a hobby then that would seriously change my opinion about them. I don't know how anybody ever justifies that to themselves.

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Hypocrites the lot of you. If you eat meat you're allowing someone else to kill for your fun and pleasure. There's no need for any human to eat meat as a means of survival. We eat meat because it's nice and pleasurable, fun if you will.

Bloodsport isn't morally the same as eating meat, although I'll agree with you in a form. Meat is murder.

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Bloodsport isn't morally the same as eating meat, although I'll agree with you in a form. Meat is murder.


Bloodsport is simply this man doing it himself and displaying the carcass. The rest of us meat eaters happily partake in the slaughter of animals. We just prefer the product is wrapped in cellophane and labelled nicely.

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Bloodsport is simply this man doing it himself and displaying the carcass. The rest of us meat eaters happily partake in the slaughter of animals.

Indeed, but there is a utility in an animal that is killed for food. It is barbaric, but it is done for a reason beyond the pleasure of killing. Bloodsport is solely for the pleasure of killing, and of no use beyond that.

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Indeed, but there is a utility in an animal that is killed for food. It is barbaric, but it is done for a reason beyond the pleasure of killing. Bloodsport is solely for the pleasure of killing, and of no use beyond that.


When we don't need to eat meat to survive surely the killing of any animal is needless?


I acknowledge that animals will die for my pleasure, so does the hunter. I think it's the posters above that need to wake up. All those leather shoes ladies.

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Hypocrites the lot of you. If you eat meat you're allowing someone else to kill for your fun and pleasure. There's no need for any human to eat meat as a means of survival. We eat meat because it's nice and pleasurable, fun if you will.


Well speaks volumes the type of person you are me thinks......

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