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Primary school places : a solution

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Of course all schools can be good.


Choose any example you wish; new cars are all good. Tins of beans are all good.


Sure some are 'better' than others but all are set to industry minimum standards. If only schools were actually brought up to standard by having decent buildings, grounds and facilities then the 'packaging' would be at least 'good.


But this is straying into politics. No Government for over 40 years has ever believed in, valued or rewarded teachers.


From being respected by all members of society they are targeted for Then, if teachers were paid a decent salary plus incentives or an actual working policy existed that attracted quality graduates into teaching, and ensured experienced high calibre teachers were prepared to work in all areas, no school would fail or under achieve.

blame. Then again the same respect has been lost largely for the Medical profession a target for attack by politicians careful to attack the doctors but not the nurses or the NHS institution which they all wish to 'improve'. A Tory improvement being to reduce numbers of doctors and promote more managers.


The legal profession has seen the appalling rise of 'injury' lawyers. The police has seen the introduction of uniformed community street strollers; basically powerless good hearted citizens exploited to cover the lack of actual police officers.


The teachers are not alone in their plight. The result is 'sink' schools; sink education and we see it in yob violence, damage to our property, unemployment amongst young people, dead end jobs for young people and lives without hope.


Even graduates serve burgers.


The population is focussed on what's in it for them. The latest bribe being more child care. Money in your pocket salves the big problems with the big society [a phrase / slogan now conveniently dropped like the earlier one where we all 'went back to basics'. More shopping at Neto I expect.]


It's greed that undoes us all. The selfish focus by all NIMBY's on their needs and not what society needs.


We actually don't have bad, unfixed hospitals. Then why should we endure bad, unfixed schools?


Sure, people will die suddenly if it goes badly wrong in the hospital theatre. But people will also die if it goes badly wrong in the class room.


It's just that a failed education leads to a slow miserable life of lack of opportunity, under achievement and ignorance. A life trapped in poverty with politicians promising jam tomorrow.


It is greed that undoes us all you say, yet the solutions you come up with all involve spending more money, the flawed logic of socialism :huh:

If you doubled teacher salaries would education standards be twice as good ?

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It is greed that undoes us all you say, yet the solutions you come up with all involve spending more money, the flawed logic of socialism :huh:

If you doubled teacher salaries would education standards be twice as good ?


Double teacher salaries and halve class sizes and you would notice a big difference. Most teachers are not greedy, believe me. Most of them effectively work for nothing for many hours each week. But if you recruit and retain a high quality teaching force (and paying professional salaries is the most obvious way of doing that), instead of allowing 38% of new recruits to leave, disillusioned, within their first 3 years, you would be on the right road.


The other thing which would make a huge difference to standards is parents taking more responsibility and promoting positive attitudes towards learning and towards school, at home.


---------- Post added 19-04-2015 at 17:21 ----------


And we appreciate every syllable with warm endearment..even though you're 2 strawberries short of a trifle. :D


And so say all of us.:)

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It is greed that undoes us all you say, yet the solutions you come up with all involve spending more money, the flawed logic of socialism :huh:

If you doubled teacher salaries would education standards be twice as good ?


It would be worse because the extra money would enable them to take extra time off work. It also wouldn't stop them leaving because workload is sited as most common reason for leaving, halving their pay and doubling the number of teachers should cut their workload and encourage more of them to stay. ;)

Edited by loraward
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[Good Old Pontefract, home of Yorkshire's best potatoes :nod: even if it is in the wrong part of the county




Really?! I lived there for 18 years but was never made aware of the fact! WE had good rhubarb and it's the only place in the UK where the soil is deep enough for licorice-growing...but spuds? Are you sure?

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Really?! I lived there for 18 years but was never made aware of the fact! WE had good rhubarb and it's the only place in the UK where the soil is deep enough for licorice-growing...but spuds? Are you sure?


Okay, maybe not Yorkshire's best spuds (that award goes to Elland Road) but they do grow potatoes at farms in or near Pontefract, and as an example of local pride and supporting our local farmers, that's good enough for me :)

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If you doubled teacher salaries would education standards be twice as good ?


With teaching salaries being the same whether they work at a great school or a poor school, then good teachers are naturally going to choose the former. There are teachers who want to work in struggling schools, but with recent behaviour problems and incidents these are few and far between.


The current process of converting schools to academies would allows schools to set their own salaries, and offer incentives to the best teachers. But of course Labour and the Unions are against all of that.

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The current process of converting schools to academies would allows schools to set their own salaries, and offer incentives to the best teachers. But of course Labour and the Unions are against all of that.


Have you ever worked in an academy? Appalling places. Guaranteed to make you want to leave teaching. Seriously.

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