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The ITV Leaders' Debate

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Guest sibon
But where is the money going to come from?




Well, not from my income tax for a start.


Do you think that it is right that our taxes subsidise the incomes of the owners and directors of football clubs, for example?


---------- Post added 02-04-2015 at 22:46 ----------


Clegg Cameron and Farage came across very well. The others were just monkeys.


Two of them will be doing well if they make it to Westminster.

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Guest sibon
Accommodating students who do not speak english at home for one. This was reported today on Radio 4 on the pressure being put on our schools.


Don't schools exist to teach kids to do things that they can't already do?


---------- Post added 02-04-2015 at 22:52 ----------


Explain your logic


Quite a few football clubs don't pay the living wage to their staff.


We pick up the bill because their staff then claim working tax credit.


I say that is immoral.

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The Sturgeon was the best performer followed by Milliband and then embarrassingly Cameron in 3rd place. Clegg's performance while poor was at least better than Garage's.

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Quite a few football clubs don't pay the living wage to their staff.


We pick up the bill because their staff then claim working tax credit.


I say that is immoral.


Lets stop with this living wage rubbish. Many people work for the minimum wage and live by it. Those who wish to see an increase in their living standards work hard to improve their job prospects.


Football club staffing has a high turnover. Many clubs actually use agencies as it is far too time consuming to manage and recruit staff. Hence those staff are on the minimum wage, but for many it is a first job and a step on the ladder.

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Guest sibon
Lets stop with this living wage rubbish. Many people work for the minimum wage and live by it. Those who wish to see an increase in their living standards work hard to improve their job prospects.


Football club staffing has a high turnover. Many clubs actually use agencies as it is far too time consuming to manage and recruit staff. Hence those staff are on the minimum wage, but for many it is a first job and a step on the ladder.


So. You are fine about the taxpayer subsidising the lifestyle of millionaires. Yet you think that the low waged should simply work harder.


No surprise there.

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So. You are fine about the taxpayer subsidising the lifestyle of millionaires. Yet you think that the low waged should simply work harder.


No surprise there.


What millionaires?


I don't think you understand what you are on about.


You first harped on about football directors, but many football staff are not employed by the club.


There are hundreds of agency firms in the UK, headed up by staff who actively go out and find work for people on their books. They are not millionaires, some work very long and hard hours for a modest yearly wage.


If someone is working at a football club for an agency, whilst maybe studying at the same time, then yes they should get working tax credit. There will come a time when they will leave their agency post and use their new qualification to earn a wage which does not require a working tax credit.

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