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Carpal tunnel syndrome


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I used to knit for hours and hours but after developing CTS I am no longer able to knit.


I used to find it so relaxing and of course I had something useful and beautiful at the end of it.


I have since taken up various long stitch projects to relax with.

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That's such a shame. Can I ask what symtoms you had when you just started to suffer from CTS? I feel like I've dislodged a tendon or a nerve in one of the fingers of my left hand, due to lots of knitting recently on a set of five double-pointed needles. I hope it's only the symptom of something temporary.

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cts will gradually get worse, u will get pins & needles in the arms & hands. eventually holding the steering wheel of a car will be painful & potentially dangerous as u loose all sensatiion in the hand.


surgery is the onlt solution, and by god it works.

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I used to knit for hours and hours but after developing CTS I am no longer able to knit.


I used to find it so relaxing and of course I had something useful and beautiful at the end of it.


I have since taken up various long stitch projects to relax with.


You're not the only one. I also have a nerve problem, although it isn't carpal tunnel syndrome as it only affects my little finger. But it drives me nuts, I get it when I've had a particularly productive typing session, and knitting exacerbates it. My little finger goes very numb and tingles a bit, and I occasionally get shooting pains down my lower arm.

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You're not the only one. I also have a nerve problem, although it isn't carpal tunnel syndrome as it only affects my little finger. But it drives me nuts, I get it when I've had a particularly productive typing session, and knitting exacerbates it. My little finger goes very numb and tingles a bit, and I occasionally get shooting pains down my lower arm.

That's sounds exactly like the symptoms I have, only mine affects the fourth finger of my left hand, and the same finger on my right hand to a lesser extent. I've also found that if I press a certain specific bit of th specified left finger, I can induce the same tingling. It's a very odd sensation. I reckon I've knocked a nerve or a tendon around while knitting.

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That's sounds exactly like the symptoms I have, only mine affects the fourth finger of my left hand, and the same finger on my right hand to a lesser extent. I've also found that if I press a certain specific bit of th specified left finger, I can induce the same tingling. It's a very odd sensation. I reckon I've knocked a nerve or a tendon around while knitting.


Sounds like you're in the same boat as me. Carpal tunnel syndrome is compression of the median nerve in the wrist, which predominantly affects the thumb, first two fingers and sometimes the lateral side of the fourth finger. The medial side of the fourth digit and the little finger have sensory input from the ulnar nerve. This most commonly gets trapped at the elbow. My GP said there was nothing he could do as I can't take anti-inflammatories and I certainly don't consider it serious enough for surgery (which is slightly more complicated for this than for carpal tunnel).

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Twiglet, I'm not making it up about accupuncture, my wife suffered from cps for a long time but all the symptoms have gone now.


Oooops sorry Max, fully intended to put a bit at the end of my post saying that if it's bad it might well be worth trying your suggestion but trying to watch The O.C. and posting don't happen very well at the same time! I know people that have had acupuncture for all sorts of muscular/nerve pain and have found it very effective. My own problem just isn't serious enough to warrant the expenditure.

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