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Clegg - the least popular party leader in British political history

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The tories were the ones responsible for deregulation in the first place and started it in 1980 and they are directly responsible for most of the economic problems faced by the UK today.


---------- Post added 04-06-2014 at 06:01 ----------



Do you understand anything at all about how human beings behave?


The actions the Conservatives took in the 80s were appropriate for the times. Labour took power in 1997 inheriting a balanced economy. For ten years, Brown, Balls, Ed Milliband, John Healey and the rest of Browns team rode on the coat tails of the prosperity left to them, when that started to run out, Brown, and team, borrowed and borrowed and borrowed hoping that the unfettered banking sector would bail them out. This it did, until, as is inevitable, the bubble burst.


Every Labour government, from the 1920s onward has left power with the economy in ruins.


Before you vote for them again, ask yourself, am I really doing this because I believe in Milliband Balls etc, or am I doing it because I have bought the fiction of the class war?


If you really think it through, study the history, you must come to the conclusion, the Labour party are detrimental to the progress of this country and should never, ever be put in power again.

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The actions the Conservatives took in the 80s were appropriate for the times. Labour took power in 1997 inheriting a balanced economy. For ten years, Brown, Balls, Ed Milliband, John Healey and the rest of Browns team rode on the coat tails of the prosperity left to them, when that started to run out, Brown, and team, borrowed and borrowed and borrowed hoping that the unfettered banking sector would bail them out. This it did, until, as is inevitable, the bubble burst.


Every Labour government, from the 1920s onward has left power with the economy in ruins.


Before you vote for them again, ask yourself, am I really doing this because I believe in Milliband Balls etc, or am I doing it because I have bought the fiction of the class war?


If you really think it through, study the history, you must come to the conclusion, the Labour party are detrimental to the progress of this country and should never, ever be put in power again.


Do you have any evidence of that? Perhaps you'd care to explain with borrowing is up and where is all that extra bowwoed money going with all these cuts? You created an alias just to say that? hahaha

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Do you have any evidence of that? Perhaps you'd care to explain with borrowing is up and where is all that extra bowwoed money going with all these cuts? You created an alias just to say that? hahaha


I am sorry I do not understand you.


The evidence for the failure of Labour governments is there for you to see,


Ramsey Macdonald,Attlee, Wilson, Callaghan, Brown (Blair ducked the bullet) all left office with the countries finances in tatters.


The Conservatives have always gone out of power handing over a well balanced economy (allowing for the circumstances in wartime etc).


The simple fact is that the Labour front bench is proven to be incompetent, Balls and Milliband were Browns devotees. Are you seriously suggesting we should hand power back to these people?



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How is that so, seeing as they even wanted a "lighter touch" policy than Labour.



Anyway, why are we still banging on about banks when it's obvious that Britain's problems are all caused by immigrants?



But it isnt, we need more immigration not less, we should just be selective, if they haveeducational qualifications, health certificates ajob vacancies should be offered to immigrants who qualify.


---------- Post added 04-06-2014 at 22:01 ----------


Ey up me old cocker, how's things in Mexborough these days?


much like Sheffield, filthy and full of chavs.


Are you still seeing pigs on tennis courts? Hows mum?

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2.6% return to limp over the line in 6th place in the Newark by-election. How people can back the Lib Dems with a straight face is beyond me. But as a few on here have started harping on about the Conservatives, I've a few points I'd like to put forward.


The 'Tories wanted less regulation in Banking, not more. Therefore more derivatives and criminally mis-leading loans packages would have been traded and we'd have been worse off. Nobody on either side of the benches objected to RBS buying ABM Amro in 2007 (and indeed it was a much sought after bank). That was wholly responsible for putting RBS is the poo and why they needed bailing out. Nobody either checked the Halifax's bloated and risky balance sheet, which made Lloyds such a poisonous 'asset' in the years after the crash.


But they HAD to be bought out, because the amount of jobs lost would have been irreparable. Interestingly, while the Tories have had the reigns and majority shares in RBS and Lloyds, they never stopped them from putting viable businesses under to increase the core Tier 1 ratio's that the FSA craved so badly.


The Conservatives always repairing the economy is a joke also. They mullered it in the 80's and left a legacy which had it faults and left us partly in the mess we are in today. Scaling back all health and safety, green agenda, employee protection and minimum wage, demonising Unions and industrial dispute, forcing people out of social housing into private rented accommodation largely in the hands of Tory voters might well be some peoples idea of a healthy economy, but it isn't mine. It's my idea of a class war.


---------- Post added 06-06-2014 at 05:11 ----------


And do you know what, while I'm at it, why don't you throw in spiteful blanket changes to benefits such as bedroom tax and the cutting of the rate of interest paid to mortgages for peoples housing benefit (usually pensioners in my experience). Trapping people in properties they cannot afford with no alternative is not progressive, it is a complete outrage.


Tax avoidance on the front bench (anyone remember the Pamorama about G Osborne and family's Cayman Islands tax havens? ((or was it Bermuda?)). Allowing Vodafone, Starbucks, Google, Dre Beats et al to get away with not paying BILLIONS in tax while trumpeting the achievements in tax collection. Not fooling anyone.


Using the London Riots to justify getting rid of workplace Health and Safety laws was an interesting approach to ideological legislative change. Savage cuts to Labour held councils while increasing budgets of Tory-friendly councils and key marginal seats.


The Tories (and by association, now the Lib Dems) are the most spiteful, horrible party I've ever known and some might say more Thatcherite than Thatcher herself ever would have dared to be.


Trumpeting Gay Marriage on the Lib Dem watch? don't make me laugh, Labour carried that over the line, Tories opposed it in droves and even the Lib Dems couldn't get all their MP's to back it (see Sarah Teather et al).


Lib Dems, when they jumped into bed with the above betrayed most of the people who voted for them. But the ones I feel most sorry for is the young student voters who will have been voting for the first time in their lives and had their vote/trust ripped apart and thrown back in their face. Some of them may never vote again. Who could blame them?


Disgraceful, both parties. Labour aren't perfect and I don't support them (I voted TUSC) but they are at least well meaning and the best of a bad bunch.

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