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Was Jesus a Buddhist ?

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I'm not sure he ever said he was the son of god, but perhaps that's what his followers thought on him


I agree with that. Just because the piece of written text was more relevant say many years ago, does not mean that we cannot use the concept or the symbolic element of the work itself, in modern day life too.


To me, Christianity is more modern and is indeed can be more relevant in today's society too. I can see how and why it works.


I see a lot of things in parallel these days any way, so it does not surprise me if the history in the past had indeed some overlaps somewhere.



To me, just because something is not "accurate" in today's context, does not mean that we have to throw out everything and reject everything of the past. That is how I see it.

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If this is the case and it had supporting evidence then maybe you can give us some links to any of the claims you have just made.


If (as I suspect) you have just made all this up for effect, then you won't be coming back with anything and I will know your just someone uncomfortable with the topic and that your just out to discredit the documentary or you just thought you would get involved for the sake of it. :)


If you bring me links I promise I will look at them, have you watched the documentary at all ?



I think you should have a look for some of the various religious lunatics that own blogs or flick over the the history channel.


You'll find a numerous delusional claims about religion. A few i mentioned previous were just a few that i've come across in my time which made me chuckle in the past.


I'm not trying to discredit the documentary mentioned, i'm just stating its joining a long list of hilarious assumptions about Jesus.


For example, according to the Mormon's Jesus is from the planet Kolob.


Who am i to say whats right or wrong with my Atheism? Who's to say people claiming Jesus can fly, that he is from the planet Kolob are right or wrong?


Certainly not me and certainly not anyone on this forum (Unless someone here is the Holy Father in disguise and did write the Bible).


At the end of the day, those stories are just as believable as the rest of the Bible.


Anyway lets not turn this into a "Is God real" dispute. My answer to the question "Was Jesus a Buddhist ?" is I don't know. I don't think so - as as far as I'm concerned i really don't care - the joys of been an Atheist, i really, really don't care.


---------- Post added 30-03-2014 at 22:26 ----------


Just a thought, if God was all knowing, would he really write certain texts (The Bible, The Quran just to name a couple) which people would take completely out of context 1000's of years down the line? Surely, if he was all knowing, he would know that ambiguous writings in the hands of primitive and naive people will only cause war, conflict, death and the ability not to culturally integrate with one and other. On that note, why would he write different religious texts? Wouldn't there just be one or is the Lord all mighty trying to cause conflict and war?


Religious rant over, believe what you want - just don't come knocking on my door asking me if i would like to be saved. :)

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[/color]Just a thought, if God was all knowing, would he really write certain texts (The Bible, The Quran just to name a couple) which people would take completely out of context 1000's of years down the line? Surely, if he was all knowing, he would know that ambiguous writings in the hands of primitive and naive people will only cause war, conflict, death and the ability not to culturally integrate with one and other. On that note, why would he write different religious texts? Wouldn't there just be one or is the Lord all mighty trying to cause conflict and war?


Religious rant over, believe what you want - just don't come knocking on my door asking me if i would like to be saved. :)

I think "God" just mean "inner peace" in modern day terms. I was reading my Tao book again this past weekend, and it is so true what it says. With knowledge creates anxiety too. Overthinking, or overanalysing and overlooking of other people's feelings, words, and so forth.


Finding peace with yourself, and doing a job which is using your own nature strengths is to be said to be "Godly".


When there are conflicts, and differences, to avoid killing and dying, something "new" has to be introduced to avoid further conflicts and fights. But what is quite natural as it seems is that, once you are actually a part of a group and has emotion to attach to things, or people, you cannot bring yourself to fight or to kill, then you need to integrate too and keep a balance of harmonious state. Sometimes this take a little bit of Godliness in order to achieve.


You think in a very black and white way, but have you thought that to be Godly, means to avoid fighting ? This explains why words and religion has been regurgitated into its various different form, so that the believer themselves feel peaceful, and feel safe.


I can so easily see how religion has become what it is today. Very easily.

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You think in a very black and white way, but have you thought that to be Godly, means to avoid fighting ? This explains why words and religion has been regurgitated into its various different form, so that the believer themselves feel peaceful, and feel safe.


I can so easily see how religion has become what it is today. Very easily.


That is a possibility, but a more likely suggestion is that religion has been regurgitated in its various forms so certain people could gain power and instil rules that benefit them. After all religion is:


1. A way to blindly control the masses.

2. Something to hide behind for people to scared to discover the truth.


This is why its twisted into is various forms.

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Surely if you've watched it and there are some key points of evidence, you'd be able to recall at least one?



The 3 wise men coming from the east are said to be Buddhist monks.


The grave in Kashmir that they say is Jesus, with his being the only grave that's East to west and the carved footprints on the grave that seem to have the scars from crucifixion.


The missing years from 12 to 29 in the Bible.


The similarities between what he taught and what the Buddhist religion is about, things like loving ones neighbor and turning the other cheek and all that which was totally different from the sort of things happening in the old testament.


They reckon also that he did not die on the cross which let way to the belief of resurrection and he was only on the cross 6 hours where they sedated him where it says in the bible that they dabbed his lips and he died.


There's loads more stuff and it may be all rubarb, but its interesting to watch. :)

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I think you should have a look for some of the various religious lunatics that own blogs or flick over the the history channel.


You'll find a numerous delusional claims about religion. A few i mentioned previous were just a few that i've come across in my time which made me chuckle in the past.


I'm not trying to discredit the documentary mentioned, i'm just stating its joining a long list of hilarious assumptions about Jesus.


For example, according to the Mormon's Jesus is from the planet Kolob.


Who am i to say whats right or wrong with my Atheism? Who's to say people claiming Jesus can fly, that he is from the planet Kolob are right or wrong?


Certainly not me and certainly not anyone on this forum (Unless someone here is the Holy Father in disguise and did write the Bible).


At the end of the day, those stories are just as believable as the rest of the Bible.


Anyway lets not turn this into a "Is God real" dispute. My answer to the question "Was Jesus a Buddhist ?" is I don't know. I don't think so - as as far as I'm concerned i really don't care - the joys of been an Atheist, i really, really don't care.

The Mormons believe in that planet but cannot see where they are saying Jesus is from there and cannot find anything about Jesus flying.

I am interested in this now if you say people believe this as its sounds stupid and why I would like to see a link to it.


Just a thought, if God was all knowing, would he really write certain texts (The Bible, The Quran just to name a couple) which people would take completely out of context 1000's of years down the line? Surely, if he was all knowing, he would know that ambiguous writings in the hands of primitive and naive people will only cause war, conflict, death and the ability not to culturally integrate with one and other. On that note, why would he write different religious texts? Wouldn't there just be one or is the Lord all mighty trying to cause conflict and war?

I am not saying anything about an all knowing God. In fact the documentary is nothing to do with the religion and is about the life of Jesus which even the most hardened of atheists concede there probably was such a person, even if they don't buy into the God and powers side of it. If anything the documentary discredits that.


Religious rant over, believe what you want - just don't come knocking on my door asking me if i would like to be saved. :)
Don't worry I don't knock on doors. I wouldn't even do that to ask who you get your gas off :D
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That is a possibility, but a more likely suggestion is that religion has been regurgitated in its various forms so certain people could gain power and instil rules that benefit them. After all religion is:


1. A way to blindly control the masses.

2. Something to hide behind for people to scared to discover the truth.


This is why its twisted into is various forms.


To be honest, I do not see religion as a "way to control" the masses. Everybody has to live by a rule or a guidance. Even those who says they do not follow religion, but there is intrinsic part of themselves that follow a particular method and a way to live their own lives. This is nothing new. If you want to see yourself in a reflective way, a scientist once stated that people follow a Maslow's Hierarchy. Of needing creature's comforts, then friends, then partner, then family, and then some kind of self altruistic act.


This kind of concept is quite true. It is just that, people now raises their own baseline to be different level. Some may seeing and needing the basic item as meeting their needs. Others uses branded name items as the basics. It just differs in some ways.


To me, I see religion in this day and age as more of an anchor in a way to focus on the spiritual side of life, than a complete "controlling" aspect. To reduce anxiety and to find moments of inspiration on how to handle and deal with certain situations which conflicts with one's internal and moral values. It is not like in today's society that we are not tested with out own moral value each day. e.g. If you are a manager, then you need to fire an employee because someone told you to. But in doing so, it does put a lot of guilt on you as well knowing that the person now has to find another way to survive, this kind of thing.

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Christ did not get born from virgin. His mother cheated and had illegal sexual affair and made up the story of holy ghost to get out of it.

He did not walk over water, that was made up by drunken idiots talking about him.

His father was a carpenter, not some god in heaven, that was to cover up the affair.

He did not turn water into wine, those days everything that rotted turned into wine.

He did not cure the blind, that is the Buddhist way of saying an unconscious unaware person has come to awareness again. That is about the seeing of the inner consciousness, not the physical eyes.

Resurrecting the dead is also pointing at the Buddhist background as he gets people who live boringly dull like zombies to start living live fully again like they have never had before. It does not refer to corpses, many people live dull like they are dead.


Religion is the opium of the people, (karl marx)

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Christ did not get born from virgin. His mother cheated and had illegal sexual affair and made up the story of holy ghost to get out of it.

He did not walk over water, that was made up by drunken idiots talking about him.

His father was a carpenter, not some god in heaven, that was to cover up the affair.

He did not turn water into wine, those days everything that rotted turned into wine.

He did not cure the blind, that is the Buddhist way of saying an unconscious unaware person has come to awareness again. That is about the seeing of the inner consciousness, not the physical eyes.

Resurrecting the dead is also pointing at the Buddhist background as he gets people who live boringly dull like zombies to start living live fully again like they have never had before. It does not refer to corpses, many people live dull like they are dead.


Religion is the opium of the people, (karl marx)

Karl Marx came out with all that tripe ?

I don't see why people hold him in such high regard then with stuff like that.

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