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Incubation is happening on High Value Tech.

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Always makes me smile when people doubt the importance of the Universities in Sheffield.


This is excellent news and builds on a core that was started some time ago, Sheffield really needs to embrace this, it fits the steel city image.

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Here it is.


In the longer term, Sheffield leaders are hoping to attract Rolls-Royce to the new factory to develop its next generation of Trent aerospace engines.


Rolls-Royce is already developing a ‘factory of the future’ to create turbine blades for jet engines at the AMP.


Academics and industry backers want Factory 2050 to be the UK’s first fully reconfigurable assembly and component manufacturing facility for collaborative research. They say it will be capable of rapidly switching production between different high-value components and one-off parts.


Basically metal parts which is of a certain strength, and properties, for engines within the aerospace industry (which we know cost millions), or for jet engines.

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Although it's not directly mentioned in the article, they're also very heavily involved in developing components for the nuclear industry. Whatever your feelings are about nuclear fission, these technologies will be incredibly important should fusion ever become commercially viable. It would basically put Sheffield on the ground floor of the world's energy source for the next century (and beyond).

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