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Moving to Sheffield Shortly.

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Over the years i've done a lot of garden maintenance in the four areas you mention. I'll stick to Wybourn thanks. :hihi:


Honest question, not trying to be inflammatory at all.


If money was no question, and you were offered a free 5 bed detached in Whirlow, or a 5 bed detached in Wybourn, which would you take?


If you'd be so kind to give reasons as well, I'd love to have this friendly debate with you :)

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I was being hypothetical.


Ok. Wybourn.


Why ?


I know and love the people here, you know what you're getting and it's honest. Plus if i moved to any of the areas you mention house prices would plummet, and hate attacks increase dramatically. :hihi:


In my experience they just aren't genuine people, though i fully expect you to say exactly the opposite is true of course, and we'd both be right. :)

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The best idea is come and stay for the weekend and then drive around to get your bearings. Quite easy to move to a city centre appartment initially and then move out 6-12 months later. Some bits of sharrow are nice especially with all the new building. Dp upi wmat a house, garden or an appartment?


The best idea yet. I have lived and worked in Cambridgeshire, and it is very rural and a pleasant County to be in. Sheffield is so much different that you should take the advice of 999tigger in my opinion. You might change your mind altogether before making a big mistake.

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I notice that no-ones mentioned T'Cross on this thread.


If it's security you're after, you can't get any better ... 24 hour aerial surveillance by its own armed Police helicopter for anyone that's left with anything worth stealing.


A choice of pubs which, along with lager, sell high quality electrical goods at a fraction of high street prices.


'Off street' parking ... normally, a ditch or playing field. Road tax is optional too.

With it being such a friendly community, the locals (Parsonians) often park your car for you ... often, as a bit of lightheartedness, turning it upside down and setting fire to it in the process.

Also, if you're a 'petrolhead', the road system doubles up as a convenient racetrack, with some of the more heavily customised Astra's achieving speeds of upto 80mph along the long 'straight', colloquially known as Wordsworth Avenue.

The circuit also has many chicanes, potholes and (for the more experienced racer) an almost impossible to negotiate 'roundabout'.


T'Cross also boasts one of the only supermarkets in Europe to have its own state of the art 'Magnetic elevator'.

'T'Asda', as well as selling food essentials such as crisps, chocolate, Stella, tobacco and the like, also has its own fashion department for the more discerning connoisseur of catwalk creativity. 'Hoodies' are very much 'in' this (and every) season, along with the iconic 'Half-mast' trousers, whereby the fashionista can, unhindered, display his bottom to all and sundry in a manly display of superiority and intellect.


So ... I would say to the O/P, forget the S10's, 17's etc, and look more closely into the experimental village on the outer rim of humanity ... known as 'Parsonia'. :)


best post i've seen all year :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Whirlow, Dore, Millhouses, Ecclesall, Crosspool.


Any other area is VERY working class and unpleasant.


Erm I don't think so, how snobby!

I grew up in Totley, went to school in Dore and moved to Dore into my first house. I then met my husband who has lived in S12 his whole life and we decided to buy our house here instead of Dore. The people are nicer, more friendly, there's a better sense of community and transport links are good. Having grown up and lived with people from Dore and surrounding areas I can honestly say I can see us staying put for the foreseeable future. No snobbery here thank you very much! Just one of the reasons I don't like where I grew up, "2 bob" millionaires Hahaa !

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The South East of sheffield is a good bet IMO, better transport links if your driving, I have friends that live north of the city and are always complaining about the commute.


I moved to Hackenthorpe S12 close to Crystal Peaks a few years ago, and was pleasantly surprised. It takes us 25mins by Car in rush hour to the city centre, or 30 ish mins by bus and tram. The housing is cheap and crystal peaks for shopping is really convenient, even more so now an ASDA is being built up there.

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