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Sheffield Cycling Inquiry - Please contribute

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The Trans Pennine Trail which runs through the centre of Sheffield can be used as a commuter route and pleasure cycling route. There are a few places where the trails join roads and is generally safe for cyclists, walkers and horse riders.


The trail is maintained by ranger volunteers with a great deal of work done after the floods a few years ago and continues in parts now. The routes are well signed so have a look at http://www.transpenninetrail.org.uk/


I've just had a look at the transpenninetrail site.

Not a road bike in sight probably because the surfaces are not suitable.

No decent maps. Its the links between sections that allow the route to flow, or not.

Sheffield appears to be at the end of a dead end.


This is why we need an Inquiry. Lets not avoid the links question. A recommended route should be made clear, with a clear map, without a break between A an B, even if this means advice to get off and walk.

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All of Sheffield roads are in the process of being repaired and all the lights are being upgraded to nice white LEDs. :thumbsup:


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 20:12 ----------



The new white LED lights are IMO worse than what they're replacing - if you're directly underneath then fine, but certainly no improvement on what was there (except they must be cheap as chips to replace, I would hope!)... we've had them here nearly a year now, and in the evening it's almost pitch black, unless you're very close to the light itself. The previous lights seemed to light a wider area - not sure if it was the orange light, or just that the lights were much lower than the new ones? Perhaps it depends what the lights were like previously in your area, as to whether they're an improvement or not...



The roads (once completed) are obviously a significant improvement - yes, they took an age to be replaced, and it was extremely inconvenient while it was happening - but it's worth it afterwards, to reduce the number of potholes.

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Their question on belief bugs me, being atheist is still a belief as is being agnostic which has been resigned to 'other'


I thought this was a cycling thread? Why are you here spouting ill-informed, ignorant nonsense which has been done to death a gagillion times on every god thread ever?



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I'm really happy that this has sparked a big debate.

The closing date for submissions to the inquiry is tomorrow. If you have time then please tell the council what you think about cycling in Sheffield here: http://surveys.lasos.org.uk/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=8lM25p8


I'm very aware that not many people in Sheffield cycle regularly, it's very important that you respond and tell the council why you don't cycle. You're the people that we need to target, the majority.


If you have any ideas about how to improve things which mean you'd be more likely to travel by bike then please tell them.

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This thread has got me back on my bike. First time since a fall about a month ago. It has reminded me what a great way to get around it is. Steaming down into Hathasage , setting off the speed warning display , and grinding back up from Grindleford to Fox House. If I could be sure of a safe place to leave my bike in town my journeys would increase.

Come on SCC provide a 100% safe, secure parking depot in the City Centre. There's a massive expanse of pavement outside the Town Hall.

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This thread has got me back on my bike. First time since a fall about a month ago. It has reminded me what a great way to get around it is. Steaming down into Hathasage , setting off the speed warning display , and grinding back up from Grindleford to Fox House. If I could be sure of a safe place to leave my bike in town my journeys would increase.

Come on SCC provide a 100% safe, secure parking depot in the City Centre. There's a massive expanse of pavement outside the Town Hall.


Good idea - and they could charge a quid an hour to park there, to help increase the council's revenue :)

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