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Do the RSPCA do any rescuing nowa days?

Just Sarah

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Ive reported the same dogs 11 times now. They are underfed, lice out doors in all weathers, have no shelter and look manky as hell. Im reporting them one more time then i may have to take matters into my own hands. I dont want to but i genuinely fear for the dogs lives but every time i ring the rspca they never show up.

Whats wrong with these people?

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They're pathetic.

Rang twice for wildlife help. On the one instance the animal died before they came & on the other we managed to rescue it ourselves.


The only other dealings I had is when our cat went missing. They brought 3 cats to us that had been found in our postcode. Not one matched perfectly the description. (she was a tortishell but had a distinctive black nose) everytime before they brought one I asked does it have a black nose? To which I was told "it has some black" so each time they brought it along & each time they had no black nose. What a waste of resources. Anyhow we found out a week later that the day we reported our cat missing, a neighbour a few yards away had found our cat dead in the road & the RSPCA had collected the body. Talk about wasting their own time & resources. Disgusting.


Here's the link


Edited by Bethsmummy
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Oh and a friend had a cat go missing last year & she found an ad on the RSPCA lost & found website that matched her cats description perfectly even down to temperament. She called to enquire about going to see the found cat & was told the call taker had forgotten to log the people who found it's contact details. So they couldn't contact them to arrange being reunited. Needless to say she never saw the cat again. It appears they can't even get simple things right.


There's the link to it


Edited by Bethsmummy
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