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3 month old kitten with conjunctivitis


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One of our new kittens has conjunctivitis. He has literally gone from normal to a pink eye in the past 5-6 hours (see pic)




This is the first time I've had kittens for quite some time. I'm not sure if I should be booking him straight into the vets, waiting, or looking at washing his eye out myself.


Any advice appreciated. His sister is currently fine (incase that helps)


---------- Post added 16-07-2013 at 16:09 ----------


Oh and I know at first glance it looks like I'm strangling him, I'm really not. I only have one hand under his chin and was just tilting it upwards for the camera, not holding him tightly at all.

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I'm with SpeedDemon. It's probably a dib in the eye from playing too rough so the first step is a day of bathing it with very clean cotton wool and boiled water to see if it clears up of its own accord.


If it's not better by this time tomorrow then you book him an appointment.


All of this assumes that he's well in himself and doing all the other things that kittens should be doing.

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He's perfectly fine in himself other than that yes. Normal adorable kitten behaviour (tearing up and down the room at stupid AM chasing his sister to name just one example -_-)


But yes ok, I'll grab some cotton wool whilst I'm out. How often should I be cleaning it? He's going to love me... we'd only just made friends. They came from a litter with a feral mum, didn't see humans till they were 3 weeks old so can still be a tad jumpy.

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Every couple of hours just a gentle wipe, and that will both give you the opportunity to get a good look at it so you can see whether it's getting worse or better and also stop you from staring too hard at it the rest of the time, which tends to freak out even the friendliest of cats.


EDIT- the first wipe of the morning is likely to be the check that determines whether you book an appointment. If you clean it before bed but it's full of pus in the morning that's a big sign.

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Okies, thanks for that.


Can't believe we only brought them home from cats protection 4 days ago and one of them already managed to pick up/contract something. lol.


Fingers crossed he gets better by tomorrow.

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Looks like you guys were right, his sister had probably jabbed him in the eye cause it was looking better by 10pm last night and I've had a look today and you can barely see any difference to the good eye.


:) Thanks again.

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