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Before I go just one or two words

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oh its highly irrational, and paranoid


absolutely no need, in the real world

Ah, yes... "The real world." ...in which infants of both sexes have their genitalia mutilated, 4 year old girls get forced into marriage to old men, girls can be shot in the head for daring to go to school, older girls can have acid thrown over them for showing a little flesh (...one imam has suggested only one eye should show through the slit in the 'pillar box' outfits as 2 eyes would be too tempting for men...), women who are raped can be stoned to death for having extra marital sex (or forced to marry the rapists), a woman's word is worth only half that of a man in a court, the punishment for apostacy is death, etc., etc., etc.


That "real world"? Or are you perhaps wearing rose tinted spectacles, maybe?


That little list is by no means comprehensive, and it's only concerned with treatment of other muslims. I'll run through some of the treatment reserved for non-muslims (and the 'wrong type' of muslim) if you like.


That is the real world.

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Let me know when Christianity, Buddism, or Rasafarianism imposes a death sentance on those that wish to renounce or convert to another faith.


In some of the highly religious (Christian) African areas, if you get accused of being a witch I wouldn't fancy your chances of living long if you don't immediately renounce and convert.

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Ah, yes... "The real world." ...in which infants of both sexes have their genitalia mutilated, 4 year old girls get forced into marriage to old men, girls can be shot in the head for daring to go to school, older girls can have acid thrown over them for showing a little flesh (...one imam has suggested only one eye should show through the slit in the 'pillar box' outfits as 2 eyes would be too tempting for men...), women who are raped can be stoned to death for having extra marital sex (or forced to marry the rapists), a woman's word is worth only half that of a man in a court, the punishment for apostacy is death, etc., etc., etc.


That "real world"? Or are you perhaps wearing rose tinted spectacles, maybe?


That little list is by no means comprehensive, and it's only concerned with treatment of other muslims. I'll run through some of the treatment reserved for non-muslims (and the 'wrong type' of muslim) if you like.


That is the real world.


You really need to get your facts right, before you start spouting such rubbish.


The interpretation of hijaab varies from country to country, and from person to person. Some Muslin women cover as strongly as the wearing of the burqa, others wear a minimal scarf (think of the Pakistani ladies who wear a shayla) to others who do not wear a scarf at all. In my circle of Muslim friends I have friends who are from one end of the line of covering to the other.


jumping forwards to the quote from an "imam", and "how much flesh should be on show". Once again, you take the comment of one prat, and parade it as the "norm". the Prophet himself (SAW) said that the mode of dress for both men and women should be modest, and that the face and hands were permissible to be seen, so these so-called imams have rewritten the "rules" to suit themselves.


The Morality police, as found in places like Saudi Arabia, tend to be a bunch of controlling, interfering soft (euphemism for male member here) who are emasculated in their own minds by women having any knowledge or authority.


You use a few isolated examples of forced child marriage as if it is the norm. Most Muslims consider it wrong, and most Muslim countries do follow the norms of child marriage being illegal, and the legal age of marriage set at 15/16 years of age, minimum.


Ditto FGM... Again, most people consider it abhorrent. You fail to acknowledge that it is more a sub-Saharan phenomenon than an Islamic one. Nor do you acknowledge the Islamic ruling that the husband has a duty to ensure that lovemaking should be as pleasurable for the woman as for the man.


The stoning of women:- once again, your comments are skewed and grossly ill-informed. The ruling is that a woman can only be convicted of infidelity (zina) if four witnesses can be found to the act of adultery. and that being that the couple have to be caught in flagrante delicto (that is actually in the act of adultery) by the four witnesses.


The taliban, sadly, do "disapprove" of female education. however I will cite my answer to the above point about this. they are sexually inadequate and emasculated prats who ignore the teachings of their own religion, which says that both men and women are expected, nay, obligated to obtain an education, commensurate with the level they are capable of obtaining. so for example my nephew who is learning disabled is only expected to learn to the level of the toddler that he is, in his understanding, whereas the intelligent person, capable of obtaining a university degree, or diploma, is expected to strive to achieve that.


Strange you should refer to women being forced to marry their rapist, and denounce it as Islamic, when that's actually a Jewish thing, from the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 22, v 28).


shall I go on?

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Ah, yes... "The real world." ...in which infants of both sexes have their genitalia mutilated, 4 year old girls get forced into marriage to old men, girls can be shot in the head for daring to go to school, older girls can have acid thrown over them for showing a little flesh (...one imam has suggested only one eye should show through the slit in the 'pillar box' outfits as 2 eyes would be too tempting for men...), women who are raped can be stoned to death for having extra marital sex (or forced to marry the rapists), a woman's word is worth only half that of a man in a court, the punishment for apostacy is death, etc., etc., etc.


That "real world"? Or are you perhaps wearing rose tinted spectacles, maybe?


That little list is by no means comprehensive, and it's only concerned with treatment of other muslims. I'll run through some of the treatment reserved for non-muslims (and the 'wrong type' of muslim) if you like.


That is the real world.


Ah but Muslims that do those things aren't real Muslims, so there's nothing to worry about. Not sure what they are, but definitely not Muslims. :)

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Is it me or are the above few posts blank ?

It's you, they are clearly not blank.


Again sorry I can't be bothered

I'm not bothered that you can't be bothered ... but it's very cool that I've discovered invisibility mode!

That word, "discovered", I do not think it means what you think it means

(I discovered invisibility mode first!)

Oh great, yet another thread descends into accusations of invisibilism being thrown around like confetti.
Edited by MrSmith
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