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PLEASE,PLEASE,Give to a good cause..


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My friend is doing a sky dive from 15,000 feet at the end of march......

She has chosen Rainrescue as her named charity,all proceeds go to them.....

All donations welcome no matter how large or small,please send to

justgiving.com her name is leanda calvert.....

Details can also be seen on rr own website....

Through my own customers i have raised over £200 to date,but we want to raise as much as possible...

To be honest i'd love to do this but she's doing it with her boyfriend so i can only offer my support to her....

It is on my list of things to do before i peg it so who know one day.....

We all know what a wonderful job they do at rain, as do all the local charities,

what would we do without them....

Please find it in your heart to give generously....


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Oh thank you Hodgepig for doing this and for raising so much for us already.


I'm amazed ANYONE would do a skydive of that height - i can't climb stairs so much praise for her in her efforts.


The last few months have been manic for us, so much abandonment and cruelty and neglect is beyond belief. We struggle to find the time to tell people just what we are doing - we are that flooded.


Needless to say - we keep on trying and have already helped loads this year.


Maybe the most shocking of all statistics is that we have had 3 dogs in already in 2013 that have all had to have their front legs amputated.


Three different stories but all have the same source - neglectful and cruel owners.


Thank you to everyone who donates to us and who does donate to this fabulous feat that Leanda is doing to raise money and awareness - not just for Rain rescue but for dogs and cats needing help.


Did you all see the front page articles in The Star?




---------- Post added 13-02-2013 at 00:13 ----------


Up to £113 already



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My friend is doing a sky dive from 15,000 feet at the end of march......

She has chosen Rainrescue as her named charity,all proceeds go to them.....

All donations welcome no matter how large or small,please send to

justgiving.com her name is leanda calvert.....

Details can also be seen on rr own website....

Through my own customers i have raised over £200 to date,but we want to raise as much as possible...

To be honest i'd love to do this but she's doing it with her boyfriend so i can only offer my support to her....

It is on my list of things to do before i peg it so who know one day.....

We all know what a wonderful job they do at rain, as do all the local charities,

what would we do without them....

Please find it in your heart to give generously....


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Thanks everyone - what we are asking for is if we can get as many people to do a standing order for £1.00 per month - or do a text donation of £1 or £2 per month - that would be a huge help to the charity and not cost people too much in an overloaded set of bills.


Please don't pay if you can't afford it, thats not what its about but there are so many people out there who do have money who wouldn't mind donating to genuine causes - we are just trying to let them know we are here

thanks hp

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thankyou to the people who have made donations....

The time is getting closer so will keep pushing this as it's for such a good cause,every donation no matter how small can make a difference.....

All the people who work in rescue have my heart felt thanks,and do such a difficult job and just keep going....

Please just consider what would happen if they were not there to pick up,the pieces that us humans cause....

Please help:help::help::help::help:

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