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Recording puppy whilst at work.


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Hi has anyone recorded their dogs behaviour whilst out at work? If so what did you use? Neighbours complaining of puppy barking when we're out I've used video recorder but it only lasts 2 hrs not the 5 I need it to.

This showed him settle and sleep after 15 min, but they are insistent he barks/ crys constant when left.

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Hi has anyone recorded their dogs behaviour whilst out at work? If so what did you use? Neighbours complaining of puppy barking when we're out I've used video recorder but it only lasts 2 hrs not the 5 I need it to.

This showed him settle and sleep after 15 min, but they are insistent he barks/ crys constant when left.


I do the same thing, using my webcams microphone.

I use this software (only costs £17 to buy, but i am still using free trial)

and set the sensitivity and make the trigger set to record.

It means when my dog barks, it will activate the trigger and start recording until he stops. It saves onto your computer and dates/times it too, so you know exactly when and how long for.



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