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A question on immigration.

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With all the talk of immigration and how we are being flooded with people claiming aslum status, I have one question. If, according to the 1951 Convention on Refugees it states that refugees seek asylum in the first safe haven/country they enter, are we having such a problem with immigration? We are the last country in Europe and these asylum seekers have travelled through numerous safe havens to arrive on our shores. Do our politicians who seem to encourage immigration not realise that the reason they travel through Europe is because it is easier for them to claim asylum here? We should be protesting to the European Parliament that the other countries in Europe are turning a blind eye to the travel of these immigrants through their country because they don't want to be responsible for them.

Technically, our immigration problem should not exist, being that we are the most westerly country in Europe and also an island.

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Because it's a game of international chess. If you don't take your quota, we're going to push for economic sanctions against you .. blah blah blah. It's a dog eat dog world and everyone is at war with everyone else

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With all the talk of immigration and how we are being flooded with people claiming aslum status, I have one question. If, according to the 1951 Convention on Refugees it states that refugees seek asylum in the first safe haven/country they enter, are we having such a problem with immigration? We are the last country in Europe and these asylum seekers have travelled through numerous safe havens to arrive on our shores. Do our politicians who seem to encourage immigration not realise that the reason they travel through Europe is because it is easier for them to claim asylum here? We should be protesting to the European Parliament that the other countries in Europe are turning a blind eye to the travel of these immigrants through their country because they don't want to be responsible for them.

Technically, our immigration problem should not exist, being that we are the most westerly country in Europe and also an island.


Could you please clarify whether you are talking about immigration or asylum as you appear to think the two are interchangeable?

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With all the talk of immigration and how we are being flooded with people claiming aslum status, I have one question. If, according to the 1951 Convention on Refugees it states that refugees seek asylum in the first safe haven/country they enter, are we having such a problem with immigration? We are the last country in Europe and these asylum seekers have travelled through numerous safe havens to arrive on our shores. Do our politicians who seem to encourage immigration not realise that the reason they travel through Europe is because it is easier for them to claim asylum here? We should be protesting to the European Parliament that the other countries in Europe are turning a blind eye to the travel of these immigrants through their country because they don't want to be responsible for them.

Technically, our immigration problem should not exist, being that we are the most westerly country in Europe and also an island.


Only a small percentage of immigrants are refugees or asylum seekers. Most immigrants come to work or study. Our being an island is therefore an irrelevance. You may have heard of airports. Asylum seekers and refugees do not necessarily stay in the country where they claim asylum. There is protocol between countries so that each gets its fair share. You are obviously unaware of the fact that there are plenty of refugees in other western countries.


Because it's a game of international chess. If you don't take your quota, we're going to push for economic sanctions against you .. blah blah blah. It's a dog eat dog world and everyone is at war with everyone else


You really do talk crap. If everyone were at war with everyone else the human race wouldn't last long. There are treaties, conventions, protocols and all kinds of agreements between countries that allow countries to spread the load of refugees. It's done by agreement, not war.


---------- Post added 17-01-2013 at 09:01 ----------


Could you please clarify whether you are talking about immigration or asylum as you appear to think the two are interchangeable?


He's clearly confused. He seems to think all immigrants are refugees when they're clearly not.

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You really do talk crap. If everyone were at war with everyone else the human race wouldn't last long. There are treaties, conventions, protocols and all kinds of agreements between countries that allow countries to spread the load of refugees. It's done by agreement, not war.


Not as much crap as some people, which you ably demonstrate. Give your brain a chance.

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Not as much crap as some people, which you ably demonstrate. Give your brain a chance.


And there we have an admirable piece of debating. Can't follow the argument and can't add anything worthwhile, so personally insult another poster.

This was a perfecly reasonable discussion until you posted this and this is why so many threads are closed. Say something worth reading or go away.

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And there we have an admirable piece of debating. Can't follow the argument and can't add anything worthwhile, so personally insult another poster.

This was a perfecly reasonable discussion until you posted this and this is why so many threads are closed. Say something worth reading or go away.


Not so sure about that, this was the first insult that caused the problem, disagreeing with mecky is one thing, but saying they talk crap can hardly be described as reasonable discussion.


You really do talk crap.

He's clearly confused. He seems to think all immigrants are refugees when they're clearly not.

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