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Intrusive security cameras.

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Looking for some advice on behalf of my nephew regarding his neighbours back garden security camera. The camera in question is on the neighbours house wall just below a bedroom window and about one metre in from the boundary. Problem is that it doesn't point straight out at the neighbours garden, but is angled at about (my guess) 20 to 30 degrees towards the boundary and therefore, it seems reasonable to assume, also captures images of my nephews garden.


The two of them don't get on particularly well and when he asked the neighbour about it, suggesting that perhaps the camera could be angled to only cover their own garden, the reply was in the vein of 'f@@@ @@f, I will point it where I choose and there's nothing you can do about it'.


Nephew has contacted the police for some advice/guidance but they apparently aren't interested unless the whole thing escalates into criminal damage/breach of the peace/assault or some other such thing.


Has anyone had experience of this sort of problem and able to offer any advice as to the best course of action without resorting to knocking the camera off the wall? Is there any right under the law to prevent someone recording your comings & goings and what you choose to do on your own property? Legal action is a non-starter as nephew hasn't got the sort of money that this would likely cost.

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As far as I'm aware you can film what you like in a public place. That said, as the duchess of Cambridge will testify, you can by the looks of it take pictures of someone on their own property. If the guy won't play ball, get hold of as many cameras as you can (working or not) and point them at his windows.


A bit inflammatory I'll agree, but worth a go !!

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