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The right words?


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My sister and her husband have had to have there dog pts over the weekend and are devastated. She wasnt an old dog and there are not 100% what was wrong. They really are inconsoleable (sp) and I dont know what to say....can anyone help me find the right words....I am so upset myself...she was one of the family:cry::cry::cry:

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To be honest, i don't think it will matter what you say. There are no 'right words' in this situation as nothing will console them at the minute.


Just let them know that you're there for them. Thats all you can do right now.


RIP doggy :(

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Just let them know you are sorry for their loss and you are there for them. The most important thing when my dog Kado died was that people accepted my loss was legitimate. I was worried that someone would say 'it's just a dog' but people were really understanding and that meant a lot.

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Totally agree with purplesarah: the most insensitive thing anyone can say is 'it's just a dog' and whilst you obviously wont, there are people out there who dont understand that the grief is valid. I really feel for your sister and her partner: I lost my beloved Ailsa over 15 months ago and I still want her back... And in the main, friends, family and work colleagues were really kind and that meant a lot


I hope they have lots of photos, videos and fond memories of their fur-baby so that when things are less raw, they can think back on all the pleasure she brought to them in her short life. Big (((hugs)))

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sorry for your loss, as someone said theres never any right words to say, but theres a thread on here about a website called gone too soon (i think) and you can create a memorial for your pets and put pictures up....you could let your sister know and maybe it would help her to have something she can visit online and share her pictures and memories with everyone? hope this helps... again sorry for your loss, some people dont get it when you get upset about your pet passing, but they are apart of the family after all...when my collie died i was heartbroken.....but it does get easier. thinking of you all. xxx

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Yep, there are never any right words, but merely by acknowledging that they are in grief over their loss and sympathising with the terrible emotions they are going through will go a long way in helping. A lot of people don't realise that it is like losing a close human family member.

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