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If God created man.....

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Originally posted by shelly121

Iv got a question for you. I cant understnad if there is a god why he can stand by when disasters like the tsunami happen, however can see where the religions are coming from when they say he was there with every one of them blah blah blah(no offence). However if god created us, why would he be so cruel as to create the rapists and serial killers and the rest of the sickos out there??and still stand by when a child is getting beaten??? explain to me please!! if you can come up with a good enough reason then i might be converted to believing ....!


Its an old argument, but after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and God Flooded the earth for Noah, God thus proclaimed he/she/it would not interfere with Man again. Instead he/she/it would let Man make and learn from his/her own mistakes.


Remember if you believe in God, then the Ying/Yang says there must be a Devil. So why keep blaming disasters and evil doings of man on God? Surely it makes sense to blame the Devil???

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Remember if you believe in God, then the Ying/Yang says there must be a Devil. So why keep blaming disasters and evil doings of man on God? Surely it makes sense to blame the Devil???


GOOD POINT.but still,if he created adam and eve,then he must have given them curisoity and greed for them to eat that apple, therefore If he does exist, he should practice his own followers faith of forgiveness!!shouldnt he?? so i still think if its the devils fault for creating bad men/women, how can god stand by when the innocent ppl get hurt??

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Originally posted by shelly121

GOOD POINT.but still,if he created adam and eve,then he must have given them curisoity and greed for them to eat that apple, therefore If he does exist, he should practice his own followers faith of forgiveness!!shouldnt he?? so i still think if its the devils fault for creating bad men/women, how can god stand by when the innocent ppl get hurt??

Well, I've been told that they think that God is testing them, or that the bad things that happen in the world are 'God's will'. You should listento some Bill Hicks; he's great on this subject :) .

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Originally posted by shelly121

GOOD POINT.but still,if he created adam and eve,then he must have given them curisoity and greed for them to eat that apple, therefore If he does exist, he should practice his own followers faith of forgiveness!!shouldnt he?? so i still think if its the devils fault for creating bad men/women, how can god stand by when the innocent ppl get hurt??


It's the French Golden Delicious that started the rot.

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If god created man, who is to blame for creating women ???


If God created the universe, who created God ???


How do we know they are Adam and Eve, they could have been Vera and Clive ???


Did the aliens deliver us God ????


How did God create the universe, did he wave his magic wand ???




I`ll go get my coat :D (back to my ironing)

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