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About Jake01

  • Birthday January 31

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  1. Best thing to do is ignore it some people who criticise don't even post for fear of reprisal.... just get on with it and things will iron themselves out. I'm sure every topic has been touched at some stage or another so don't be afraid about posting what is in your mind.... a good bunch on here will always make you welcome. Clairvoyants.... must admit I am sceptical, I'm one of those that has to see it so I can take it apart and understand how it works...if you know what I mean but that is science and how I define things. Hope it works for you.
  2. I actually agree with you..... Maybe it might just make future terrorist figures think again.... at least we process our law in a civilized and dignified way but I do think Griffin got off lightly only cos they couldn't prove the word "kill" or "hate" which Hamza was stupid enough to use. Far as I'm concerned Griffin still needs a bit of time away from us all to reflect.
  3. Gotta be Saxon51 for me..... recently bought a painting off Him.... I have copies of other masters.... but there is nothing like having the original.
  4. Yeah.... I work a Continental shift pattern but the nights don't bother me really.... the only draw back is that our nights begin on a Sunday but the plus is they end on a Thursday.... if I am due any lieu days I tend to take them on a Sunday night as it does mess up your weekend having to get some kip in the afternoon.... I do find it hard to eat on nights, It's like my body is telling me this is wrong.... I also find it hard to sleep during the day.... specially in the warmer weather but I don't sleep much at the best of times.... so all is fair. The only advice I could give about working nights is take cereal in with you.... I find this easier to consume instead of something from the canteen and have something solid before you go in. Oh! and if you can sidle off for a quick nap.... grab it. The sleep pattern is something you learn to live with and your sleep depends on your needs.... If you're new to it then don't worry.... you will adjust.
  5. When I was a child I lived on a busy road and you had to beat the traffic to cross it to go to the shops. Nuff said. My Mum used to say to me "If you get knocked down don't come running to me." How mad is that?
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