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Jet Centro - Chancel Repair Liability

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Chancel Repair Liability is obscure but a potentially expensive liability. Here's a bit about it:

http://www.chancel.org.uk/chancel-repair-liability.php and



It came to light as a result of a Mr & Mrs Wallbank being lumbered with a very large unexpected and unforeseeable debt. The case is Parochial Church Council of the Parish of Aston Cantlow and Wilmcote with Billesley, Warwickshire (Appellants) v Wallbank and another (Respondents). It's reported at http://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/markup.cgi?doc=/uk/cases/UKHL/2003/37.html&query=title+(+wallbank+)&method=boolean


Indemnity insurance is available, too.


Undisclosed liability is subject to a ten-year transitional period, under the Land Registration Act 2002 (effective October 2003). Consequently, the danger will cease after 13 October 2013. By that date, the Church etc. which has the right to demand payment under any such liability will have had to register its right against the registered title for the property burdened by it- assuming that title itself is registered.

Edited by Jeffrey Shaw
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I didn't beleive it either, but my insurance was £42 for 25 years cover. I went for it...even if it's rubbish, it only cost a few pounds.


Yes, I had to pay as well. But when you read the terms and conditions theres something about not disclosing the fact that you have the insurance? because that would invalidate the insurance. It seems like half the country is paying this, which adds up to a good few million for insurance companies and solicitors.

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Yes, I had to pay as well. But when you read the terms and conditions theres something about not disclosing the fact that you have the insurance? because that would invalidate the insurance. It seems like half the country is paying this, which adds up to a good few million for insurance companies and solicitors.

No, there's nothing in it for solicitors!

And, no- very few people need or pay for the insurance.


As with all insurance policies, however, the small print precludes the insured person from:

a. manufacturing a spurious claim;

b. acknowledging a possible claim; and

c. disclosing the policy's existence [which particularly applies to 'one-off premium' indemnity insurance].

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No, there's nothing in it for solicitors!

And, no- very few people need or pay for the insurance.


As with all insurance policies, however, the small print precludes the insured person from:

a. manufacturing a spurious claim;

b. acknowledging a possible claim; and

c. disclosing the policy's existence [which particularly applies to 'one-off premium' indemnity insurance].


It maybe that you don`t make anything on the indemnity insurance, but last year when I moved house the breakdown of 40 odd pounds was, just over £5 for the insurance part and the rest made up of the "arrangement" fee. That was quite clear and would infer that the conveyancer recieved that.

Also as the window installers sent me a 10 year guarantee but not the FENSA certificate, I was also asked to pay an indemnity for my buyer of around £120Then on top of that because rear access was through a "driveway"(even though everyone had been using it since the houses were built over 100 years ago. And even though the owner had already signed to say there were no issues with access and everyone can use it) The conveyancer wanted me to indemnify the buyer by taking out insurance with a payment of nearly £700 Someone is onto nice little earner.

I refused point blank to pay either.

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