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Sheffield Against Sexism (more communists)

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If you look at the flyer then SWP sponsor this march, also the " Anti-Cuts Alliance " are also a sponsor which just happens to be the SWP.


The speaker at the event is Maxine Bowler who is a spokesperson for the " Anti-Cuts Alliance " and is a candidate for the " TUSC " which, you guessed it, is the political arm of the SWP.


The failed " Occupy " movement was in Sheffield organised by the SWP and are simply copying the rest of the world wide " Occupy " movement into changing to the " Sexism " band wagon.


Didn't one of the SWP's main men(Martin Smith) recently get into trouble for sexualy harassing a woman?? oh dear :hihi:

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If you look at the flyer then SWP sponsor this march, also the " Anti-Cuts Alliance " are also a sponsor which just happens to be the SWP.


The speaker at the event is Maxine Bowler who is a spokesperson for the " Anti-Cuts Alliance " and is a candidate for the " TUSC " which, you guessed it, is the political arm of the SWP.


The failed " Occupy " movement was in Sheffield organised by the SWP and are simply copying the rest of the world wide " Occupy " movement into changing to the " Sexism " band wagon.


Exactly you have provided evidence backing up what I was thinking for ages. Even the fist of the occupy movement is the sort of fist you see on SWP rallies etc. The usual "Take back Fight back"

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So Orphee you are quite happy for the lefts version of the BNP to organise a march that is disguised as an anti-sexism march when actual fact it is a SWP march with no intrest in that issue ?


Where is it written that anyone who is a socialist isn't allowed to hold views on sexual equality, or if they do, that they must be ignored because of their party politics? On what grounds do you then say it was 'disguised'? SWP people marched because sexism is an issue they care about, get used to it.


Nobody, but nobody is an 'equivalent to the BNP' except the BNP.

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I was in the city centre today and some students were handing out flyers about Sheffield against sexism. Upon reading up on it on the internet its the latest craze for our Sheffield communists who are bored with occupying places.




I didnt think sexism is a problem now?


It sounds like the sort of thing that OS would relish. A stall in the city centre handing out home made flyers while trying to force their misguided views on the innocent passing public. Just another bunch of Lefties with a chip on each shoulder.

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It sounds like the sort of thing that OS would relish. A stall in the city centre handing out home made flyers while trying to force their misguided views on the innocent passing public. Just another bunch of Lefties with a chip on each shoulder.


Why bother to talk about it if you're not even going to engage with the issue? Just the usual character assassination to devalue someone else's point of view. Try putting forward some actual arguments for once.

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If you look at the flyer then SWP sponsor this march, also the " Anti-Cuts Alliance " are also a sponsor which just happens to be the SWP.


The speaker at the event is Maxine Bowler who is a spokesperson for the " Anti-Cuts Alliance " and is a candidate for the " TUSC " which, you guessed it, is the political arm of the SWP.


The failed " Occupy " movement was in Sheffield organised by the SWP and are simply copying the rest of the world wide " Occupy " movement into changing to the " Sexism " band wagon.


... and the rally is at Sheffield's Weston Park which, you guessed it, is the parks arm of the SWP.

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