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Basketball photography

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So me and my friend run a basketball team called sheffield Suns. We are in the local leagues. We train wednesday and friday nights.


My question is would anyone be interested in photographing one of our training sessions for free? Would be good experience and something different. I would do it myself as photography is an interest of mine but i like to play!! I am looking for some good shots to put on the web/facebook page. all credits will go to the photographer.



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Good shots there!


We train at all saints on a Wednesday and Wisewood sports centre fridays.


Tonight we're training at 7;30pm - 9:30pm


Lighting is good at both places.


You both might know a couple of lads who have trained with us, Ash chandley and George Brownell (both plyed for sharks)


Thanks for the responses.


Let me know if you are interested

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sheffcruiser, yeah I'm interested in coming down but unfortunately I haven't been free on Wednesday or Friday nights recently. I will pm you when I can come down if thats ok? It'll most likely be a Wednesday rather than Friday.

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