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Call Centres: The Poor-Houses of the 21st Century?

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Originally posted by fattybear

I think I have heard that one before somewhere !


(someone quite briliant told it you I bet)




No, he turned out to be a right plonker actually ...


He saw himself as one of these 'firm and fair' managers.


I mean, really ...?



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Originally posted by fattybear

I'm an excellent manager - fair and firm.


My companies love me - my staff love me more.


And didnt David Brent say pretty much the exact same thing just before he got the sack? I rest my case.

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Don't you all think that Fattybear has a point though ?


Think about it - how many of you have people where you work who are lazy, and who call in sick whenever the wind is blowing outside ?!


Well said Fattybear, don't let these people get you down as you are so obviously correct on lazy people and call centres.

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Yes, every company has people who abuse the sick system. However, believe it or not, sometimes people do genuinely get ill and need to take time off. Fatty was making a blakket statement, basically saying anyone taking time off sick was a workshy layabout who didnt deserve a a job. He was also so far up his own arse it was untrue. Good manager? He wouldnt last five minutes with the people I work with.

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Yes but companies like DSG need to actually pay attention to why they have such high absence rates. There's an underlying problem there that they don't seem to pay any attention too. I was on a team of fifteen - 4 of them were off sick for the six months I was there while 1 of them only came in for a total of 2 days in that same period. All due to work related stress...

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Originally posted by Sheffielder

I just think you have all misunderstood him and taken his comments too personally.


Surely a working Britain with minimal sickness is better for all concerned ?


Yes, it would be. However, that doesnt escape the fact that people DO get sick from time to time, and theres really not a lot we can do to stop it. It happens to us all. So, by your reasoning here, if you were to pick up some disease or other tomorrow and had to have a week off work because of it, then when you went back you got the sack for taking time off sick, that would be OK? Becasue thats what fatty said hed do in one of his previous posts. yes, some people abuse the system and take more time than they should, But why should the ones who dont abuse it, and only take time off when they really have to, suffer for that?

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