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Man drunk in charge of wheelchair?


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I came across what I thought was an empty wheelchair sitting in the road whilst driving home from work last night. I overtook it and noticed there was a man sitting in it but slumped right over. On the pavement there was another man sitting talking on his mobile phone.


I would have stopped, but Ive seen this pair out and about drunk/high quite a few times recently in the Stannington area, sometimes freewheeling down Stannington Road at speed.

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I wondered if anyone knew these two men. Sooner or later I can see an accident happening.


Yes but it's no different to a person who doesn't sit in a wheelchair getting drunk. He's an adult, free to make his own decisions, being in a wheelchair doesn't suddenly mean he's not free to make his own mistakes.

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Yes but it's no different to a person who doesn't sit in a wheelchair getting drunk. He's an adult, free to make his own decisions, being in a wheelchair doesn't suddenly mean he's not free to make his own mistakes.


You sometimes get epileptics using wheelchairs. Sometimes even fall out and passers by ring for assistance.

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I know the gentleman you mean. It is quite common to see him around Stannington and yes he does drink. That is entirely his own business but if he is causing a danger to road users i.e. using his wheelchair on the road and at speed, then that becomes a nuisance and like you said an accident waiting to happen.


Thing is does he remember he is doing it?


I agree with what you are saying though

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Yes but it's no different to a person who doesn't sit in a wheelchair getting drunk. He's an adult, free to make his own decisions, being in a wheelchair doesn't suddenly mean he's not free to make his own mistakes.

True. But when he stops in his wheelchair in the middle of Stannington Road and refuses to move, I'd say that's a mistake he isn't entitled to make, drunk or not. Just before Christmas, he stopped all the traffic both ways & damned near got himself killed. 2 lads tried to shift him & he refused to take the brake off his chair. In the end they lifted him, chair and all and carried him onto the pavement. All this time he was throwing himself around and shouting.

Fine if he wants to get himself killed, but not so good if he involves others.

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