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Should Smoking Be Banned?

Should Smoking Be Banned Period  

96 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Smoking Be Banned Period

    • Yes
    • No
    • Yes, But Only In Public Spaces
    • Yes, But Only in Places Serving Food
    • No, Smoking should be made cheaper, it's unfair that we're taxed so much
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Originally posted by futura2000

If you're going to have smoking and drinking you might aswell have the illegal drugs- legal .. imagine the tax the government could put on them - woooo!

If not - Smoking and drinking should be banned. It should'nt be contradictory. It always amuses me on things like Face party : I like to get drunk: I HATE drugs.

Its like whatttt?

After all smoking does wayyy more damage than the illegal drugs.


Imagine the "back pocket money" the drugs bring though :hihi: well out does the TAX!!

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Originally posted by Hippy

Look this is simple isn't it.


Unless you are an eco-warrior you can't really complain about people smoking can you.


if that statement is on the "glass houses and stones" theory, then no one would ever have the right to complain about anything.

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Originally posted by Klix

we should probably be thanking the smokers for putting so much more into our society.




I'll try and remember smokers are doing us all a favour, the next time the foul stench of cigarettes drifts all the way up from one end of The Moor to the other :|


Why, oh why, is the smell always worse on a cold day? Does smoking keep people warm or something :huh:

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Why stop at banning smoking in public only, what about unfortunate children who are forced to breathe in their parents' second hand smoke at home?


Should these children be exposed to a greater risk of asthma?


And assuming more poor people than rich ones smoke, is it right that the income of poorer childrens' parents is being wasted on cigarettes? It upsets me to see poor people spending so much on tobacco and alcohol products at supermarkets that they have to buy poor cheaper, less- nutritious food for their children. Priorities, eh :roll:


It wouldn't be the end of civilisation if smoking and drinking were banned fully. We can still enjoy life by other, 'cleaner' methods.


Go for a walk in the park, go for a drive in the country, play sports with your friends, visit some of our many libraries, museums and galleries.


Or go to Meadowhall, for Heavens sake.


We're always boasting to outsiders at how friendly Sheffielders are, and how our great city not only has plenty of parks and woodland within its boundaries, but is also surrounded by beautiful countryside.


We can talk forever about its great industrial heritage; there are working museums dedicated to this (Abbeydale Industrial hamlet and Kelham Island, for instance)


Go on, my Fellow Sheffielders, why not put our money where our collective mouth is and make use of the features we are blessed enough to have access to?


Rant finished, let me wish you and your families all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :thumbsup:

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you can only legislate so far in order to protect minors. If their parents want to smoke with them in the room, it's bad parenting, but is it the goverments job to sort that out? How about banning them from being taken skiiing, afterall it's dangerous (and they get in the way on the slopes)?

And it's definitely way beyond the governments remit to interfere in how someone chooses to spend their money. Way way beyond and so far into big brother territory that it's more like super gigantic brother of doom.

How people choose to enjoy life is up to them, if they want to poison themself because it's fun, that's up to them, it's their body, not yours.


Originally posted by Abdul

Why stop at banning smoking in public only, what about unfortunate children who are forced to breathe in their parents' second hand smoke at home?


Should these children be exposed to a greater risk of asthma?


And assuming more poor people than rich ones smoke, is it right that the income of poorer childrens' parents is being wasted on cigarettes? It upsets me to see poor people spending so much on tobacco and alcohol products at supermarkets that they have to buy poor cheaper, less- nutritious food for their children. Priorities, eh :roll:


It wouldn't be the end of civilisation if smoking and drinking were banned fully. We can still enjoy life by other, 'cleaner' methods.


Go for a walk in the park, go for a drive in the country, play sports with your friends, visit some of our many libraries, museums and galleries.


Or go to Meadowhall, for Heavens sake.


We're always boasting to outsiders at how friendly Sheffielders are, and how our great city not only has plenty of parks and woodland within its boundaries, but is also surrounded by beautiful countryside.


We can talk forever about its great industrial heritage; there are working museums dedicated to this (Abbeydale Industrial hamlet and Kelham Island, for instance)


Go on, my Fellow Sheffielders, why not put our money where our collective mouth is and make use of the features we are blessed enough to have access to?


Rant finished, let me wish you and your families all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :thumbsup:

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Yeah , instead of smoking and guzzling beer and eating unsuitable food we could all :-

Become vegetarians


Go for long healthy walks in the countryside


Sit round campfires and sing uplifting songs .


Report peope to the authorities who indulged in immoral behaviour ..........or in what we considered immoral and anti-social behaviour .


We could put people in special camps until they learned the error of their ways .


We could ban hunting and fishing .


Wasn't there some geezer in Germany tried all that once ? Yeah , that's what we need today . He had the right ideas and no mistake . All this personal freedom-------makes ya sick . Give people freedom and you find they do things you disapprove of and hate .........and that can't be tolerated can it in our new , wonderful Cool Brittania ?

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Originally posted by Fareast

Yeah , instead of smoking and guzzling beer and eating unsuitable food we could all :-

Become vegetarians


Go for long healthy walks in the countryside


Sit round campfires and sing uplifting songs .


Report peope to the authorities who indulged in immoral behaviour ..........or in what we considered immoral and anti-social behaviour .


We could put people in special camps until they learned the error of their ways .


We could ban hunting and fishing .


Wasn't there some geezer in Germany tried all that once ? Yeah , that's what we need today . He had the right ideas and no mistake . All this personal freedom-------makes ya sick . Give people freedom and you find they do things you disapprove of and hate .........and that can't be tolerated can it in our new , wonderful Cool Brittania ?


I feel Ill. I'll stick to secular hedonism, thanks

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Originally posted by Abdul

Why stop at banning smoking in public only, what about unfortunate children who are forced to breathe in their parents' second hand smoke at home?


What about the Parents who are forced to breathe in their Childrens second hand smoke at home!!!

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